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Lance Welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to a Joint Meeting of Congress on May 24

7th District Lawmaker Co-chairs House Republican Israel Caucus

WASHINGTON, DC –Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) issued the following statement today welcoming Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a joint meeting of Congress on Tuesday, May 24, 2011.  

As the co-chairman of the House Republican Israel Caucus, Lance said he was looking forward to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address: 

“As a strong supporter of Israel, I look forward to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to a joint meeting of Congress. Israel and the United States are strong allies who share common values of freedom and peace, but we also share mutual threats to our security from nations like Iran.  Congress is honored to host the Prime Minister and I hope we can continue to strengthen the U.S.-Israel partnership and work together on both economic and security issues.”

Since coming to Congress Lance has been a staunch supporter of Israel and a strong advocate for Israel's right to self-defense and to exist as a democratic, Jewish state.

He and his wife Heidi traveled to Israel during Lance's first-term in Congress where they witnessed first-hand the daily threats Israelis face.  

Congressman Lance fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza.  The Seventh District lawmaker has also advocated for Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and supports relocating the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  
