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Increased Spending, Taxes and Zero Fiscal Accountability – A Reckless Budget Proposed

Increased Spending, Taxes and Zero Fiscal Accountability – A Reckless Budget Proposed

Last week, the Democrats released their budget proposal for fiscal year 2009. This budget proposal can be summed up in two words – tax and spend. Their budget calls for the largest tax increase in history. It would raise taxes by $683 billion over five years, resulting in higher taxes on married couples, those with children and thousands of low-income families who currently do not pay income taxes. It also proposes to increase taxes on investments, small businesses and estates, while failing to address a permanent fix to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

In total, their budget proposes spending $276 billion more than President Bush’s budget request. I believe this is irresponsible. Even President Bush’s spending request was far too much. Instead of reducing spending, the majority has proposed a massive increase in spending which will only lead to higher deficits.

Additionally, this budget fails to address an issue all Members of Congress, regardless of their party, agree is serious: the long-term sustainability of important programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The longer Congress waits to stabilize these programs for the long run, the more expensive and difficult the task becomes. While we may not agree on a solution yet, a budget that requires no reform steps will cause Social Security and Medicare’s liabilities to grow to roughly $52.5 trillion by 2013.

How would this budget proposal affect you?  Well, the tax increase proposal would mean Texas taxpayers would pay $2,755 more per year in taxes. Washington does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Increasing taxes in an attempt to enable more spending will only result in an increased deficit, rather than the decreases in the deficit that have taken place over the past three years.

It is time that Congress practices fiscal responsibility. If the taxpayers are expected to balance their checkbooks and budget within their means, Congress with nearly $3 trillion in tax revenues should be able to do the same.

Time to Enact a Permanent FISA Fix to Protect the American People and our Brave Troops

Once again, Speaker Pelosi has failed to act on this critical legislation and it has expired, putting American lives and our homeland at risk. The Senate had passed S. 2248, a bipartisan solution to keep FISA in place, and a number of Democratic members in the House have urged their leadership to pass this critical legislation.

The “Blue Dog” Democrats, known as a group of fiscally conservative Democrats, have written to Speaker Pelosi to move this legislation forward. Also, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) has indicated that he would like to find a compromise to move this legislation forward. Additionally, a bipartisan group of 25 state attorneys general said in a statement that the implementation of the Senate bill would “ensure our intelligence experts are once again able to conduct real-time surveillance…With S. 2248 still pending in the House of Representatives, our national security is in jeopardy.”

With such bipartisan support and a simple common sense approach to ensure we are prepared to defend ourselves from the emerging threats of the 21st century, I am perplexed why this legislation has not moved forward.

We cannot afford to loose vital intelligence and the ability to track, dismantle or uncover terrorist plans. Congress has the obligation to protect Americans and defend the Constitution. Congress MUST pass this legislation immediately for the safety of our homeland, and our men and women in uniform.

Recognizing an Integral Part of the 19th Congressional District’s Economy: Peanut Growers

March is National Peanut Month, and peanut growers are an essential part of the economy in the 19th District of Texas. As a matter of fact, 25 percent of the peanuts grown in America are grown in Texas. Not only is peanut production a positive contribution to the local economy, but peanuts provide a healthy source of protein and antioxidants.

Although peanuts are know best for food products such a peanut butter and cooking oil, they have many diversified uses, and are often components in paint, insecticides and furniture polish. Peanuts have such an impact on our food supply that Congress has declared the peanut to be one of America’s essential crops, and the United States is the leader exporter of peanuts in the world.

At this time, I would like to recognize the Texas Peanut Producers Board for their efforts to promote peanuts and the great contributions our peanut producers in Texas make to the agriculture economy of the 19th District.

As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website at www.randy.house.gov or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.
