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Explosion at the Big Spring Oil Refinery

Explosion at the Big Spring Oil Refinery

My thoughts and prayers go out to the five individuals who were injured this morning at the refinery explosion, as well as to their families and the entire the Big Spring community. I commend all the first responders in Big Spring and the surrounding areas for their bravery and quick action to bring this situation under control. Their professionalism and ability to respond at a moment’s notice is inspiring. Due to their efforts, the fire is now contained and the there is no more black smoke in the sky. 

I spent the day in Big Spring where I met with Mayor Russ McEwen, local officials, fire and rescue workers and refinery officials. I commend the work of everyone in this community that came together today.  It is nothing short of miraculous that no one was killed there this morning. I believe that is a testament to the refinery’s safety programs where employees had been trained to deal with such emergencies. It is clear their training and response saved many lives. 

I stand ready to assist the Big Spring community with any federal assistance they may need.  I am proud of the way they supported each other through today's challenges.

Update on the Farm Bill and Current Negotiations

The members of the House Agriculture Committee and I met with Chairman Peterson last week to discuss how to move this stalled Farm Bill process off high center. Since then, the leadership of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees has been negotiating to find a way to move the Farm Bill forward.

I have been and continue to be disappointed at the lack of progress on getting a Farm Bill completed. It has been six months since the House passed its version of the Farm Bill. It has been two months since the Senate passed its Farm Bill. It is past time for all parties involved to get in a room and work this out. Congress needs to get this job done.

Chairman Peterson's plan is to try to get the House and Senate to agree on a total spending number and get a bill done that can be signed into law. To that end, he put together an outline of how the House and Senate could arrive at a final bill. Senate Chairman Harkin responded to that proposal with one of his own later in the week, and negotiations are ongoing to find a common approach.

There are many options in the Chairman's outline that I do not like, but it has served as a catalyst for moving this process forward. Both the Senate and the House agree that the first step toward completing a Farm Bill is determining how much we are going to spend. Up to this point, there has been little progress in accomplishing even this first step. It is imperative that we reach agreement on the spending total soon so that we can begin work on negotiating the policy details.

I also had two conversations with the new Secretary of Agriculture last week, one over the phone and one in person. I reiterated to the Secretary that when we reach an agreement on a Farm Bill, President Bush must sign the bill. Congress needs to know what the Administration is willing to negotiate on and accept, not just what they will refuse to accept.

I am committed to continuing efforts to protect the interests of agriculture in the 19th District.  I've been listening and talking with farmers and commodity group leaders from the district and will continue to rely on their input in this process.

Standing Up for Our Marines

Over the past few weeks, it has been reported that anti-war groups have done their best to make life extremely difficult for Marine Corps recruiters.  Sadly, the citizens of Berkeley, California have taken it upon themselves to take full advantage of the very freedoms for which these Marines are willing to lay down their lives.

Make no mistake; those who vilify our men and women in uniform deserve condemnation. It is tremendously upsetting to me and many of my colleagues that these individuals would take aim at a group of individuals who choose to risk their lives and ask for nothing in return.  I am proud to be a co-sponsor of H.R. 5222, the Semper Fi Act, that would rescind federal funding that has been appropriated to the City of Berkeley and fittingly transferred to the United States Marine Corps’ recruiting account.  In addition, I wrote to the President expressing my displeasure on this matter, as well as co-sponsored H.R. 5462 The Military Freedom Act, which would also take action against any entity that intentionally prohibits or prevents the efforts of military recruiters.

We have heard many discussions lately about the “kitchen table issues,” such as taxes and the economy that are important to Americans, and indeed they are. But, after September 11, 2001, there were thousands of empty kitchen table chairs. It is time we get our priorities straight – the first and foremost responsibility of the government is to protect America. Our Armed Forces have done just that since that fateful day. This is not by chance, but through tireless work and dedication to protect our homeland.

The actions of Berkeley reinforce the disparity that exists in America. Like many West Texans, I believe the Armed Forces deserve our praise, not our protest. Freedom is not free; it is paid for by the men and women of our all volunteer force and the loving members of their families. For those of you who have worn the uniform of this nation, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your service.

Discount Shipping to Troops Overseas from USPS

To show their support for our men and women serving overseas, the United States Postal Service is now offering discounts to send packages, calling the program “America Supports You.” I commend the postal service for this action in supporting our troops and working to make it easier for the loved ones back home to send packages to them. Mail call is typically the highlight of a soldier’s day or week, and enabling the friends and family to send large boxes to them with supplies and special items is a tremendous boost to their morale.

Here is some information on the new program:

The discount applies only to the new "Priority Mail Large Flat-Rate Box," which normally carries a $12.95 price tag for shipping. However, when the 12-by-12-by-5.5-inch box is sent to an AFO or FPO address, a $2 discount applies, dropping the cost to $10.95.

The new boxes will be available in post offices nationwide on March 3rd. Those who can't wait to start packing the boxes, however, can order them from www.usps.com/supplies beginning Feb. 20. They are also available by calling 1-800-610-8734.

For additional information, please visit www.usps.com or www.americasupportsyou.mil/.

For additional information, please visit www.usps.com or www.americasupportsyou.mil/.

As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website at www.randy.house.gov or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.
