Rep. Kelly Issues Memorial Day Statement

May 28, 2012 Issues: Veterans


Rep. Kelly Issues Memorial Day Statement

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (PA-03)  issued the following statement in recognition of Memorial Day:

“In the late 19th century, American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow published a poem titled 'Decoration Day,' in observance of what is now celebrated as Memorial Day. It reads:

Sleep, comrades, sleep and rest

On this Field of the Grounded Arms,

Where foes no more molest,

Nor sentry's shot alarms!


Ye have slept on the ground before,

And started to your feet

At the cannon's sudden roar,

Or the drum's redoubling beat.


But in this camp of Death

No sound your slumber breaks;

Here is no fevered breath,

No wound that bleeds and aches.


All is repose and peace,

Untrampled lies the sod;

The shouts of battle cease,

It is the Truce of God!


Rest, comrades, rest and sleep!

The thoughts of men shall be

As sentinels to keep

Your rest from danger free.


Your silent tents of green

We deck with fragrant flowers

Yours has the suffering been,

The memory shall be ours.


“Today we keep alive the memory of America’s fallen heroes, mindful of the tremendous sacrifice they made and the suffering they endured. They laid down their lives in defense of our great nation and we will forever owe them and their loved ones a tremendous debt of gratitude.  May God rest  the souls of all of our sons and daughters who answered the call to serve and lost their lives in doing so. May their courage and commitment to our country never be forgotten.”
