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Children in Kundelan Village participate in literacy class

Story by Sgt. Devin James | Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan | Date: 08.22.2012

Children of all ages learned to read and write their native language of Pashto in the village of Kundelan, Kandahar province, Aug. 16. Read More

‘Dragon’ female engagement teams making change in Paktika Province

Story by Sgt. Gene Arnold | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 07.28.2012

Since arriving in Afghanistan’s Paktika province, the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division’s female engagement teams have already conducted several missions rendering humanitarian aid to... Read More

Literacy program teaches skills over radio waves

Story by Sgt. David Nye | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs | Date: 06.09.2012

In southern Afghanistan, where schools and teachers are in short supply and few people can read, a program is bringing opportunities to local Afghans in pursuit of knowledge. Read More

Religious shura in Garmsir promotes peace and stability

Story by Cpl. Bryan Nygaard | Regional Command Southwest | Date: 01.02.2012

During the 10 years that the U.S. and its ISAF allies have been in Afghanistan, the fight has been not been for cities, hills or some other piece of land that holds strategic value. The fight has been for the... Read More

'Knowledge is Light' literacy program aims to improve reading skills throughout Zharay, Maiwand districts

Story by Capt. Kevin Sandell | 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Public Affairs | Date: 11.29.2011

Over 80 schoolchildren attended a recent literacy program at Forward Operating Base Howz-E-Madad, making it the largest group of participants since the program started. The “Knowledge is Light” reading... Read More