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Trends in College Pricing

(Part 1 in a Series on the College Board’s 2012 Trends in College Pricing & Trends in Student Aid)

By Mary Anne Busse
Managing Director, Great Disclosure LLC
November 2, 2012

The College Board recently came out with its 2012 Trends in College Pricing and it’s chock full of great information – some good news and some not so good news.  According to the report, published prices for tuition and fees at public four-year colleges and universities increased 4.8%, the smallest since 2000‑01.  For prospective college students, that’s great news!  Unfortunately, the report also found that “the growth in published prices at public four-year institutions has been higher over the past decade (averaging 5.2% per year beyond inflation) than over either of the two preceding decades."1 

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