Offering financial support to PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS

Learn more about how you can pay back your student loans while giving back to your community.

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Growing the primary care workforce by SERVING COMMUNITIES

We are connecting dedicated primary care providers to the communities that need them.

Experience the Corps

Offering support and
opportunities to

We provide resources to NHSC providers and sites to support their mission.

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Offering scholarships to students in PRIMARY CARE HEALTH PROFESSIONS PROGRAMS

Learn more about how you can get your tuition paid, perform challenging work, and make a difference to communities in need.

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Loan Repayment

Primary care providers can pay off student loans while serving in communities with limited access to health care.  

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Students pursuing careers in primary care can receive scholarships for serving communities in need upon graduation and completion of training.

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NHSC Sites

Clinical practice sites can recruit and retain qualified providers by becoming an NHSC-approved site.

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Your site profile in the NHSC Jobs Center is the best and easiest way to recruit NHSC providers to your approved site and, effective January 1, 2013, you must have at least a basic site profile to continue to list job opportunities in the Jobs Center.

New Site Application Dates The cut-off date for new sites to apply to the NHSC is December 15, 2012. The next new site application cycle will begin July 1, 2013 and will be open through October 31, 2013.

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Students to Service Loan Repayment Program (S2S LRP) provides loan repayment assistance of up to $120,000 to medical students (MD and DO) in their last year of school in return for a commitment to provide primary health care services in eligible Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) of greatest need. Learn more about S2S; refer to some frequently asked questions, and read the Member Story of one Students to Service Awardee.

Nearly 10,000 National Health Service Corps clinicians are treating some 10.4 million people in underserved communities nationwide. We celebrate the important work of the Corps in increasing access to primary care where it’s needed most. More than 146 events are taking place in celebration of Corps Community Day. Check out the Celebrating Healthier Patients and Stronger Communities blog post from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Health care law increases access to primary care through the National Health Service Corps national press release and Growth of the NHSC Overview.

Conference call series from the HHS Partnership Center discusses the benefits and provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Open to the public, each call includes a question and answer session.