
November 2, 2012
VIDEO RELEASE: Record State Dinner Spending at Obama White House

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today released a video – “Spend Like He Says, Not Like He Does” – highlighting reported record Obama Administration State Dinner spending, including a May 19, 2012 White House event that cost taxpayers more than the infamous four-day GSA Las Vegas conference previously investigated by the committee. Continue reading

November 1, 2012
Oversight Queries Clinton on New Documents Indicating Involvement of Libyan Government Personnel in Benghazi Attacks

Chairman Issa & Subcommittee Chairman Chaffetz: “These documents paint a disturbing picture indicating that elements of the Libyan government might have been complicit in the September 11, 2012 attack on the compound and the murder of four Americans. It also reiterates the fact that the U.S. government may have had evidence indicating that the attack was not a spontaneous event but rather a preplanned terrorist attack that included prior surveillance of the compound as a target.” Continue reading

REPORT: President Obama’s Real Energy Strategy is “None of the Below”

WASHINGTON – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., today released a staff report entitled “None of the Below: The Truth About President Obama’s Actions Against Domestic Energy Production,” summarizing the steps President Obama’s political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior have taken to restrict or regulate into nonexistence the production of oil, natural gas, and coal. Continue reading

October 31, 2012
Emails Contradict President Obama, Administration Officials on Energy Dept. Loan Program

Chairman Darrell Issa: “The Administration should have disclosed these emails directly to Congress and the American people. The Department of Energy failed to produce many of these emails, but the Committee received them from other sources. The Administration has for too long attempted to distance itself from the management of the program and its failures- embracing the ribbon-cutting ceremonies and photo-ops, while blaming the bankruptcies and wasted taxpayer money on someone else.” Continue reading

October 29, 2012
Issa, Grassley Report on Fast & Furious Finds Widespread Justice Department Management Failures

Chairman Issa: “The report discloses widespread management failures within the hierarchy of the Justice Department. The Justice Department has yet to evaluate these management issues and implement structural changes to prevent another disaster like Operation Fast and Furious from occurring. Furthermore, the Justice Department has taken limited action against these negligent managers.” Continue reading

October 28, 2012
Emails Contradict President Obama’s Answer on Loan Scandal in Colorado TV Interview has obtained emails that seem to directly contradict Plouffe’s answer, and also challenge the President’s notion that the DOE’s loan decisions were universally autonomous within the agency. The emails also lend even more credence to the theory that the loan to Abound Solar was political payback to Colorado’s wealthy Democratic benefactor and Gang-of-Four member, Pat Stryker.” Continue reading

October 26, 2012
Green Jobs Training Program Slammed in New Independent Report

The Department of Labor’s Office of the Inspector General cast new doubt on the effectiveness of the Administration’s Green Jobs Training Program. According to the newly released report requested by Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, the report revealed that the Department of Labor has further squandered taxpayer money since the program was flagged by the IG last year. Continue reading

October 25, 2012
Obama Administration Refuses to Release New Regulations Agenda

The Obama Administration is stalling the release of a legally required summary of upcoming new regulations originally due in Spring 2012. The Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (Unified Agenda) has been withheld by the Administration for several months, and four House of Representatives leaders sent a letter today asking why. Continue reading

October 22, 2012
Oversight Seeks Information on Potential “Solyndra-Style” Tax Write-Offs to Fisker Automotive

The Department of Energy (DOE) gave away its equity interest in Solyndra to allow tax benefits worth up to $341 million to pass to two of Solyndra’s largest investors, Argonaut and Madrone, according to recently released bankruptcy filings. DOE’s actions raise the total amount of taxpayer money lost by Solyndra to as high as $849 million. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., today sent a letter to Secretary of Energy Steven Chu seeking documents relating to another troubled loan recipient, Fisker Automotive. Continue reading

October 21, 2012
Obama Administration Claims about outing of Libyans in contact with U.S. are False

Libyan rights activist Obama administration says was first associated with U.S. by Oversight Committee had actually been brought to U.S. by State Department and was featured and named on website Continue reading

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