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Missouri Delegation Supports Request for Emergency Declaration

(Washington D.C.) The majority of Missouri’s Congressional Delegation today sent a letter to the President asking him to approve of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon’s request for emergency assistance for those counties affected by flooding.

The affected areas include Andrew, Atchison, Boone, Buchanan, Callaway, Carroll, Chariton, Clark, Clay, Cole, Cooper, Franklin, Gasconade, Holt, Howard, Jackson, Lafayette, Lewis, Moniteau, Montgomery, Osage, Platte, Ray, Saline, St. Charles, St. Louis, and Warren Counties and the independent City of St. Louis.

"I urge the President to approve this assistance without delay," said U.S. Congressman Sam Graves. "Many communities along the river have been stretched to the limit preparing for and fighting this unprecedented flood."

Text of the letter.

June 30, 2011

The Honorable Barack H. Obama

President of the United States

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

We write to you in support of Governor Jay Nixon’s request for an emergency disaster declaration for the State of Missouri as a result of unprecedented flooding along the Missouri and Mississippi river systems.

As you know, this flooding is the result of water releases from the various Missouri River reservoirs due to record snow melt and excessive rain over both major river systems beginning in early June of this year. The affected areas include Andrew, Atchison, Boone, Buchanan, Callaway, Carroll, Chariton, Clark, Clay, Cole, Cooper, Franklin, Gasconade, Holt, Howard, Jackson, Lafayette, Lewis, Moniteau, Montgomery, Osage, Platte, Ray, Saline, St. Charles, St. Louis, and Warren Counties and the independent City of St. Louis. Some communities in these areas have also been evacuated or are in the process of evacuating.

There are approximately 110 reported road closures due to flooding. The State Emergency Management Agency is coordinating the delivery of seven sandbagging machines, over one million sandbags, two-hundred tons of sand, and twenty-four pumps to assist local governments protect critical infrastructure. Governor Nixon has also declared a State of Emergency for the entire state, activated the Missouri National Guard, and continues to coordinate mitigation and response efforts with numerous state and local personnel, volunteers, and non-profit organizations.

As you review Governor Nixon’s request, please consider that Missouri is still fully engaged in recovery operations associated with the flooding and tornado damages that resulted in a federal disaster declaration. Due to multiple disasters and the scope of existing and expected damage, we truly believe federal assistance is needed to help our great state recover.

Again, we write in strong support of Governor Nixon’s request for assistance and appreciate your consideration. Please feel free to contact us directly should you have any questions or require additional information.


Representative Todd Akin MO-2
Representative Sam Graves MO-6
Representative Russ Carnahan MO-3
Representative Billy Long MO-7
Representative Vicky Hartzler MO-4
Representative Jo Ann Emerson MO-8
Representative Emanuel Cleaver MO-5
Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer MO-9




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