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Balancing the Budget

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Press Release: Berg, ND State Legislators Call for Passage of Balanced Budget Amendment

Washington, D.C. –Congressman Rick Berg will join North Dakota legislators at the State Capitol Thursday to call on Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment as a mechanism to halt President Obama’s out-of-control spending and ensure that Washington spends no more than it takes in.

Berg will be joined by Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner, House Majority Leader Al Carlson, and other state legislators to urge Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment, which will be voted on within in the month.

“In order to change Washington, we need to first change the way Washington works.  I believe a balanced budget amendment is the only mechanism that would halt President Obama’s out-of-control spending and force Washington not to spend more than it takes in,” Berg stated. “Fifteen years ago, Congress had the opportunity to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, and it failed by a single vote in the Senate.  Since then, our national debt has nearly tripled in size to almost $15 trillion. In comparison, North Dakota has worked to balance its budgets and leads by example through smart policies that focus on the next generation.  Today, North Dakota has a budget surplus and leads the nation in job growth.  Washington can learn a lot about the way we do things here in North Dakota and that’s why I will proudly support a Balanced Budget Amendment when it comes before Congress.”

This spring, the North Dakota Legislature passed a resolution urging Congress to adopt a federal balanced budget amendment.  The resolution, SCR 4013, noted that a balanced budget amendment was necessary to restore fiscal discipline to the United States.

“In North Dakota, we know that you don’t spend more than you take in—that’s why our legislature balances our state budget each session,” Wardner said. “To get our national spending under control and reduce our debt, Washington could use some North Dakota common sense. Passing a Balanced Budget Amendment is a step in the right direction.”

“President Obama’s spending spree has driven our nation deep into debt, which amounts to generational theft, and it’s clear that under his policies, the debt will only continue to grow and add to this,” Carlson added. “In North Dakota, we know that Washington needs to change the course it’s on. That’s why the state legislature passed a resolution in support of a Balanced Budget Amendment this spring. I support Rick’s fight to change the way Washington works and urge Congress to join him and the state of North Dakota in supporting a Balanced Budget Amendment.”

Berg, Wardner, Carlson, and other state legislators will meet in the North Dakota State Capitol Thursday morning to share their views on the need for a balanced budget amendment. 

This week, Berg wrote an op-ed calling on Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment.  Berg expressed the importance of ensuring that Washington does not spend more than it takes in, noting that 42 cents of every dollar spent by the U.S. government was borrowed. 

Berg also noted that a balanced budget amendment failed by a single vote in the Senate 15 years ago, when the national debt was $4.9 trillion.  In less than 15 years since then, national debt has nearly tripled to $14.8 trillion.  Additionally, the national debt has increased by $3.7 trillion in the time passed since President Obama took office. It took the United States 216 years, from 1776 until 1992, to accumulate the same amount of debt that Obama has borrowed in 2.5 years.

Berg has urged North Dakotans to visit his website, www.berg.house.gov/BBA, to learn more about a balanced budget amendment.

