Tom Price

Tom Price


Representative from Georgia's Sixth Congressional District and Chairman of the House Committee.

Washington, D.C. ·

تغريدات الكلّ / بلا ردود

Thank you for your service to this nation & for defending the freedoms that we all cherish. May God bless you & your families!

. what we want are real solutions- need economic growth & vitality. Doesn’t make any sense to raise taxes on job creators

In times of distress, Americans come together. W/ our economy in distress, POTUS should be leading w/ fresh ideas to solve these challenges.

يبدو أن التحميل يستغرق بعض الوقت.

ربّما يعاني تويتر من الحمل الزائد أو يواجه عطلًا مؤقّتًا. حاول مجدّدًا أو تفقّد حالة تويتر لمزيد من المعلومات.