Wyden Pushes for Changes to PATRIOT Act's Secret Law

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Uploaded by on May 25, 2011

On Tuesday, May 25, 2011, Senator Wyden took to the Senate floor to speak out about the Patriot Act's "Secret Law" provision and to amend it.

Excerpts from the speech posted in this video.


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  • Thank you for having the cajones to stand up, tell us the truth, and make a stand for what is right. The Patriot Act is one of the most dispicible pieces of legislation to ever come about. If left unchecked, the erosion of the peoples rights will eventually lead to civil strife. We are not as asleep or complacant as many might hope. The American people are smart enough as a whole and strong enough to be able to handle the truth and act within the law in the light of day, all else is poison.

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  • Secret Laws are part of oppressive governments.

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  • Ron Wyden is the man!

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  • 9-11 was an inside job. The biggest terrorist organization on earth is the US Government. "Those who surrender liberties for security will in the end have neither liberty nor security. " Benjamin Franklin

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  • I agree, to the point that if if isn't reformed it dies and like you say something constitutional rises, but the status quo never would go for it thats why I am all for jumping on rand pauls band wagon, to keep this on the spotlight, (so much on the spotlight), and 4 more years of this law, it will never go away look at the history of all our security agencies, they multiply, and refuse to die even when the walk over every ones freedoms.

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  • The whole Patriot Act actually needs to be totally eliminated, and some Constitutionally legal laws put in it's place.

    I don't believe the PA can be reformed.

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  • The laws should not be kept secret and should not be contrary to the Constitution.

    Also, stop targeting Americans as being the enemy.

    Get rid of Janet Napolitano with her videos urging Americans to spy and snitch on their fellow citizens.

    And that's just for starters

    Get rid of the TSA and groping of citizens without probable cause.

    I don't know any American who wants to live under a Nazi Police State.

    Americans are getting very angry over these violations

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  • nice try, the whole patriot act needs to be reformed with rand pauls ammendments

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