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Commemorating Veteran's Day

National Mall - Story of Veterans, Story of Freedom

By: Congressman Brett Guthrie

The National Mall in Washington, D.C. receives 24 million visitors from all over the world who come to view the monuments that represent America’s history.

If you visit the mall, you will see the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, and the most recently completed World War II Memorial.

The ideals and freedoms that our service men and women fought for are expressed in each monument.

Walk the mall and you walk the story of veterans, because theirs is the story of freedom - the one virtue that is the back bone of America’s history and sets us apart from the rest of the world.

Veteran’s Day has always been a special day for me. I think of my own family’s military history, and how my uncle paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the Korean War.

I think about the story and the family behind each veteran, whose name is inscribed in the concrete and marble. Each selflessly gave his or her life on the front lines to ultimately serve a greater purpose. 

And I watch in admiration of our service men and women today, and their families, who continue to serve this country with distinction and give so much so we can have freedom and opportunities.

While it is so hard to express in words the level of gratitude we all feel for the bravery and courage of our veterans, we can all listen.

I would encourage you on this Veteran’s Day to express your gratitude by listening and remembering the stories of our veterans and military, because these accounts of dedication and heroism are truly America’s story of freedom.