Congressman Austria

Congressman Austria


Proudly representing the citizens of the 7th District of Ohio. Member of the House Appropriations Committee.

Beavercreek, Ohio ·

Remember in your prayers 3 teens killed & 3 injured in a car accident and their families. We all grieve over such a tragic loss.

Election Day - Finally! Make sure you take the time to VOTE. Our nation's future is at stake! Ohio polls open at 6:30am until 7:30pm.

A special thanks to all Ohioans responding to relief efforts of superstorm Sandy - Ohio Task Force One, Ohio National Guard. ,

Unemployment rate moved up to 7.9% in October from 7.8% percent in September. It's time to get Americans back to work. ,

As cleanup begins our prayers go out to the victims of Sandy. Now is the time to come together and help in the aftermath. ,

As many face severe weather, now is the time for our nation to come together and help each other. Prayers to all.

September is Suicide Prevention Month. Military and veterans must have the resources & available treatment for those at risk. # PTSD

Jobless claims rose to 382,000, 12,000 more than economists expected. Businesses is not hiring because of uncertainty. #nocertainty#nojobs

Today joined my Congressional colleagues singing "God Bless America" on the US Capital steps honoring 11th anniversary of 9/11. #9/11

We shall never forget 9/11. Remembering those who lost their lives, families, heros. Our spirit remains strong. God Bless America!

Just concluded another successful Small Business Forum in Springfield. Learning from businesses about harmful impact of federal regulation.

National debt just surpassed $16 trillion. Every American man, woman and child now owes over $50,000 as their share to our creditors.

Neil Armstrong a great American Hero who inspired us. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Will be remembered.

Last week, I voted to stop regulations that are drowning our small businesses in red tape and hindering job creation.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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