Dingell Decries Tax Cuts for the Ultra-Wealthy

Aug 1, 2012 Issues: Budget and Taxes
Supports protecting middle class from unfair tax hikes


Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI15) voted against H.R. 8, The Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Act.  This bill passed the House of Representatives today by a vote of 256 to 171.

H.R. 8 extends the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts for all taxpayers for one year through 2013.  It also would provide a two-year patch for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) through 2013 and extend the current estate tax level's $5 million exemption amount and 35 percent rate through 2013.

“I cannot say it enough: helping working Americans get back on their feet again should be Congress’s focus, not holding the middle class hostage to provide tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy” said Dingell.  “My House Republican colleagues can say all they want that they want to help our middle class working families, but to quote one of our Founding Fathers, Ben Franklin, ‘Well done is better than well said.’   Today’s vote is another indication of the GOP’s actions contradicting their words.  I urge them to show definitively to the American people that they will stand with Democrats in helping the middle class.”

Earlier this week Dingell co-sponsored H.R. 15, which extends the Bush tax cuts for the first $250,000 in household income, stands in contrast to House Republicans’ tax extension bill, H.R. 8, which extend the Bush tax cuts for all income brackets.  The Republican bill, H.R. 8, spends approximately $9 billion more to provide a complete exemption from the estate tax for just 3,600 additional decedents.

“Compromise is the art of legislating,” said Dingell.  “If only my House Republican colleagues would find value in that statement; instead they insist on the ‘my way or the highway’ approach when it comes to protecting tax cuts for wealthiest two percent, all the while making it even worse for those still struggling in a tough economy.  In order for America to get back on track, Congress must start working together and my Republican colleagues must cease this continual blocking of legislation that would create jobs and give our economy a boost.  For while it may help them get elected in the fall, it will continue to keep America on the downward slope and my friends, their stubbornness and lack of passing bills will be to our country’s detriment. ”

