Presentations from Former Comptroller General David Walker

Selected 2004 Presentations from Former Comptroller General David Walker

Transformation Challenges in America and the Accountability Profession, Greater Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants' Symposium
Washington, DC
December 14, 2004
Current and Emerging Challenges in Retirement Security, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Washington, DC
December 13, 2004
Transformation Challenges, Defense Intelligence Agency Board of Directors
Arlington, VA
December 9, 2004
Building Economic Security in Retirement for Women, Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement
December 9, 2004
Statement of the Comptroller General on Election-Related Matters
Key National Indicator Systems: An Opportunity to Maximize National Progress And Strengthen Accountability, World Indicators Forum
Palermo, Italy
November 11, 2004
Transformation Challenges, National Legislative Program Evaluation Society
Tallahassee, Florida
October 28, 2004
Transformation of the Federal Government and the Accountability Profession, Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, Illinois
September 29, 2004
Restoring Trust After Recent Accountability Failures. Presented at Governing the Corporation Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research Queens University
Belfast, Northern Ireland
September 21, 2004
The Future Sustainability of Social Insurance Programs. Presented at the 28th General Assembly of the International Social Security Association
Beijing, China
September 17, 2004
Governance, Leadership and Accountability, United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services Symposium, United Nations Headquarters
New York City
September 10, 2004
Human Capital Transformation - GAO's Own Experience, OPM Conference
Baltimore, Maryland
September 9, 2004
The American Accounting Association Plenary Session
Orlando Florida
August 10, 2004
America's Financial Condition and Fiscal Imbalance:, Truth, Transparency and Accountability Presented at the 10th World Congress of Accounting Historians
St Louis, Missouri
August 2, 2004
Truth and Transparency in Financial Reporting, Presented at the National Association of College and University Business Officers
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
July 20, 2004
Transitions and Transformations in the Federal Government: Department of Defense. Presented at the Department of the Navy Executive Learning Office, Darden Business School
University of Virginia, Charlottesville
July 26, 2004
GAO Answers the Question: What's in a Name?, by David M. Walker, Roll Call
July 19, 2004
Profits and Results With Integrity: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners' Annual Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada
July 12, 2004
Facing Facts About America's True Financial Condition and Fiscal Outlook, an article by David M. Walker, Business Economics Magazine, July 2004
July 2004
Meeting the Challenges Facing the Accountability Profession: AGA's 53rd Annual Professional Development Conference
Washington, D.C.
June 28, 2004
Remarks to Albania members of parliament, government ministers and other senior officials
Tirana, Albania
June 23, 2004
The Nation's Growing Fiscal Imbalance. Presented at the CSIS Global Aging Forum
June 16, 2004
CG Remarks at 8th General Assembly of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI)
Amman, Jordan
June 8, 2004
The Evolving Role of Public Service Auditors.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
May 14, 2004
Fiscal Year 2004 Transitions and Transformations in the Federal Government: Defense Intelligence Agency
Alexandria, VA
May 25, 2004
2004 MEDPAC Appointments
Financial Literacy: Understanding Both Our Nation's and Our Own Financial Future. Presented at the AICPA Press Briefing at the National Press Club
Washington, DC
May 17, 2004
The Public Servant: An American Idol For The 21st Century. Presented at Lincoln Memorial University Commencement in Harrogate, TN, on May 8th
May 8, 2004
Fiscal Year 2004 Transitions and Transformations in the Federal Government: Army Material Commands Executive Seminar
Atlanta, GA
April 20, 2004
Health Care System Crisis: Growing Challenges Point to Need for Fundamental Reform. Updated as of April 16, 2004
April 16, 2004
Transforming SSA's Disability Programs for 21st Century America. Presented to the Social Security Advisory Board
April 14, 2004
The Nation's Growing Fiscal Imbalance (Updated). Presented to the Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs' National Security Course
Syracuse, New York
March 31, 2004
Inspectors General 2004 Retreat
Annapolis, Maryland
March 24, 2004
The Nation's Growing Fiscal Imbalance. Presented to the Democratic Budget Group on March 10th, the New Democratic Coalition on February 11th, and the Blue Dog Coalition on January 27th.
March 10, 2004   February 11, 2004   January 27, 2004
The 33rd Annual Conference of the JFMIP by the Honorable David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States
March 9, 2004
Institute of Internal Auditors. Presented to the Institute of Internal Auditors
March 3, 2004
The Debt No One Wants to Talk About. This op-ed appeared in The New York Times
February 4, 2004
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