20under20 Spotlight: Zev Hoover

While other kids at 10 were reading comics and young adult books, Zev Hoover was poring through online Photoshop tutorials. Now 15, Zev is the youngest of the Flickr 20under20 and the judges who selected him were mesmerized by how remarkable his art is and where they imagine he will take it in the coming years.

Finding faces in unexpected places

“It’s not easy finding faces,” Jody Smith says. “They normally find you first!” Jody is the creator of the Flickr group Faces in Places, a quirky and creative collection of photos capturing human like faces in everyday objects that we want to show you in our latest episode of The Weekly Flickr.

Flickr Friday: The JetLag Selection

Congratulations and thank you for your great contributions for #FlickrFriday! We felt jet lagged, we lost all notions of time, we traveled with you between sleep and awakening, trying to keep our eyes open. We saw the world’s shape blurred and vague. Now we all need a good night’s sleep!