Jeff Flake | Congressman Arizona’s Sixth District


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Congressman Flake Issues Statement on Shooting of Border Patrol Agents in Naco, Arizona
October 2, 2012  - Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, today issued the following statement on the shooting of two border patrol agents, one who was killed and the other wounded, near the Brian Terry Station in the Tucson Sector of Border Patrol: “Our thoughts and prayers are wi... More

Congressman Flake Successfully Offers Amendment to Stop the EPA from Implementing Costly Haze-Controlling Burdens on Coal-Fired Power Plants
September 21, 2012  - Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, today along with Congressmen Rick Berg of South Dakota, Paul Gosar of Arizona, and James Lankford of Oklahoma offered an amendment to H.R. 3409, the Stop the War on Coal Act of 2012. The amendment would reassert that the sta... More

Congressman Flake Votes to Prevent Obama Administration From Weakening Welfare Program Work Requirements
September 20, 2012  - Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, today voted in favor of H.J. Res. 118, which will prevent the Obama Administration from weakening work requirements within the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program that were established by the 1996 welfare ... More

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