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Works at Girlfriend Social
Lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Amanda Blain

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Maria Bauer-Rowe
Aww wish i culd join! +Amanda Blain try friday? Or saturday? :o 
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Amanda Blain's profile photo

Amanda Blain

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Bob Bergerson
thats a lot of people
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*If Web Browsers Were Celebrities... Who Would They Be*?

Ok... this might be the funniest thing i've seen all month. Morgan Freeman is firefox? :)

Which browser do you use now daily? 

#webdeveloper   #browserwars   #geekyfunny  
Anthony Cacaccio
Hahaha that is perfect +Amanda Blain 
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*At LAST ... A Use For Those Empty CD Cases*

Amazing how much media has advanced... I just cleaned out my "hard drives that were" pile including a solid 30 Gig and 80 Gig hard drive.... :) and finally tossed all the cdroms too :)

Ahhh Technology what will you think of next... 

#technology   #geekyfunny  
maat delg
funny but smart
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*Change the World? Only Crazy People Do That*

Gandhi 's 10 ways to change the world...
1. Change yourself.
2. You are in control.
3. Forgive and let it go.
4. Without action you aren’t going anywhere.
5. Take care of this moment....
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Ko Htet
Yes I like
It is really trust
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*Today is the Day.... Halo 4 Released*

My XboX counter says it...  Halo 4 is released today (everywhere except Japan)... I really need to get a connection to a video game company so I can get games before they are released.... Anyone help me out with that ?? :)

This game has ridiculously high reviews from all the critics... That being said Resident evil 6 got horrible reviews but I still spent 40+ hours beating it.. :) 
I can't say that i've been a huge fan of the Halo series either... but this one does look interesting.

Will you be getting Halo 4?

#halo4 #xbox   #videogames  
Jordyn Jones
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*If Anything is Greater Than Being Loved it is Loving*

Just a wee reminder on this election day... Love not Hate.

P.s. - Go Vote.. Not in USA? Go Hug someone. 

agung purbaya
that is not love, that is a need. why?
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As a Canadian watching the build up to this American election on the internet has been..... Interesting. Scary. Concerning. Mostly sad.

There sure are a lot of very opinionated people on the Internet..... so make the time to go vote. Any which whatever way... just vote. Lots of people died to give you that right... so use it. I've voted in every single election since I had the right to. No excuses what so ever of why you shouldn't. Don't just make social media posts about the injustices of it all.... Take the time. DO IT.

#election2012 #vote
J. C. Baker
And you wonder why I don't vote anymore.  What's the point?  Check this out...people who were running for office & won in Alabama & Florida, but are now dead.
You want to take the country back?  Don't vote!!!  If they can't get elected, the politicians can't win.  No vote mean they lose.  Not you or me.
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*Your Newest Dance Move For the Club*

This really made me giggle... He just looks so silly ... But as I mentioned on the original post.. He really looks like he could dance well.... there is no way I could replicate his sheer skill.... tee hee.

#geekfunny   #noab  
Nikki Crome originally shared this post:
Dance Moves For the Next Time You Go Out to The Club

Greatest Dance Move Ever... The "V"

#dance   #dancemoves  
Fran Tomaszewski
The video is hilliouras 
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*Just A Reminder - Fruit IS Fast Food*

So go eat an apple... or a strawberry... or a tomato.. :)

#fitness   #inspiration  
kayden king
i  love  strawberry  and  batman 
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Geek Girl, CEO, Social Media Speaker, Code Monkey, Gamer, and Entrepreneur
I am a Geek Girl, Canadian, CEO and Coder of Girlfriend Social which is the biggest female-only, for friendship social networking site available in USA, Canada, UK and Australia.

You can also check out all my Geek Girl Thoughts and what i'm up to on my Personal Blog. 

I play video games, speak and help companies with social media, rooted my android, tweet often, run companies, travel regularly, enjoy all things zombie related, blog, cook tasty things, sing karaoke, live in Toronto, hangout often, and love all things Google.

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(click to see my circle share of people who like these things too)
Professional Biography: Amanda creates passionate, action taking, interest based communities. With an ever-growing base of followers across all social media channels, including over 2 million people having circled her on Google+, she is a tour-de-force in many social and technical areas. She knows how to harness the power of your personal or business network and get them to act.

A self-confessed Geek Girl, wrapped in an extrovert’s personality, she is CEO of Girlfriend Social(an online networking hub for women), a speaker, a consultant to companies looking for assistance with their social media presence, and an enabler to the multitudes of fans reading her posts every day.

She excels in social activities, community management, and passing along her experience to others with her solid reputation in social networking, technology, and monetization of online activity. She is an expert in all things Google Plus, and has been voted as the “Number 1 Hangout Personality” by the Google Plus community.

Amanda lives in Toronto, Canada but travels all over North America and beyond for work and offline networking.

Are you new here? Check out my Getting Started - Magic of Google+ Post

How My Circle Shares Work - I share lots of circles of G+ users by Interests all listed below. Learn how they are created here.

Circle Management - 5 Steps - New to circle management? Here are 5 steps. Start now. Best thing you can do here.  

Policy on ReShares - I get over 50 requests per day on average to share content for charities, kickstarters, pet food recalls and missing children etc.  I don't reshare stuff like this because its too hard to pick and choose. I share folks in circles so you can promote your own stuff. Thanks for understanding.

*NOTE*  If you would like to contact me about a specific business matter, please do so via the contact form on my website. 

I post fun images and stories I find on the Internet.  If you own something, please contact me and I will credit/remove it. 

Have a fabulous day! :D
Bragging rights
Voted Number 1 Hangout Personality On Google+(Hangout Queen) - I've met over 300 people in real life from Google+ that I didn't know before using it. Are you next?
CEO, Code Monkey and Geek Girl
  • Girlfriend Social
    CEO, 2008 - present
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  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Ottawa
  • Vancouver
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