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Draft paper up exploring governance mechanisms for online services—feedback welcome/needed! 
The Unbearable Trust of the Internet by Betsy Masiello :: SSRN »
As a result of the Internet's rapid growth, a number of private sector companies have found themselves thrust from the role of scrappy start-up to prominent glo
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+GDL Presents: Women Techmakers Live Next Week
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GDL Presents: Women Techmakers brings you conversations with women tech leaders, activists and creators from diverse backgrounds Monday thru Friday (11/5-11/9) @ 2:30PM PDT.  From the direction we see hardware going, to data-driven decisions, to inspiring female influencers in the tech space, #WTM is exploring the trends in tech...
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I'll be there too, probably talking about some of the ideas +Derek Slater and I jotted down in our innovation stimulus package here:
Alexander Howard originally shared this post:
If you're in DC on November 13, I'll be participating in a (free) Brookings Institute forum on "A First 100 Days Innovation Agenda for the Next Administration." It will be livestreamed (appropriately for discussion that will talk about the role of the Internet) and should be worth your time. If not, as usual, I expect you to tell me about it.
A First 100 Days Innovation Agenda for the Next Administration »
A First 100 Days Innovation Agenda for the Next Administration. Online registration by Cvent
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Coming next week on Google Developers Live, +GDL Presents: Women Techmakers.
GDL Presents: Women Techmakers - Google Developers Blog »
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Creepy Halloween Photos from >100ys ago. Neat. 
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+Google Policy Managers +Betsy Masiello and +Derek Slater write about the OECD's Internet Economy Outlook for 2012, released today. The report opens with a landmark chapter on measuring the Internet economy and quantifying its impact. This is a significant addition to the research literature on this subject in part because, as the OECD notes, “there is still no widely accepted methodology for assigning an economic value to the Internet.”
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The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World | Wired Design | »
Take the subway to an otherwise undistinguished part of Third Avenue in Brooklyn. Knock on the door. Wait for some stylishly disheveled young man to open it and let you in. You've arrived at the BotCa...
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Betsy Masiello

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Walking into the city to meet the cousins. Enjoying what remain of our summer evenings.
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Hangout on-air video.
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Betsy Masiello

Google Reader
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International Broadband Pricing Study: Dataset for public use »
At Google, we believe strongly in the power of data and the beauty of openness. Taken together, these two assets can provide remarkable solutions to complex problems. We decided to apply this joint approach to informing a data-driven analysis to provide insight into what policies can best be implemented in order to lower the cost of Internet access for users. We found existing datasets to be insufficient because they provided only summary statis...
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google policy geek. all views expressed here are my own, not my employer's.
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The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs

His saga is the entrepreneurial creation myth writ large: Steve Jobs cofounded Apple in his parents' garage in 1976, was ousted in 1985,

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The Big Tent, and big ideas, arrive stateside

The Internet has transformed society in so many ways, and that's bound to continue. The aim of our Big Tent events is to bring together

Google Public Policy Blog: Educating Across the Globe for Safer Internet...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 1:00 PM ET. Posted by Katharine Wang, Policy Analyst As more of our life happens online, Internet skills are cr

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