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Congress will vote on another spending bill this week

Randy’s Roundup

A weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

April 4, 2011

Congress will vote on another spending bill this week

On Friday, April 8th, the three-week temporary spending bill that cut $6 billion from the budget will expire. Unless the House and Senate pass another continuing resolution, or spending bill, the government will shut down at midnight on Friday. Our economy is fragile and it is no one’s goal to shut down the government; on the contrary, I want to pass a spending bill that will bring more spending cuts to our swollen deficits. However, the path we are now on is unsustainable, and continuously voting for temporary spending bills just delays the inevitable decisions that we have to make regarding the budget. Right now, it is very unclear how this will resolve itself, but I will do my best to keep you informed as things progress.

While the continuing resolution, or CR, addresses the Fiscal Year 2011 spending, we are also working on Fiscal Year 2012. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, is expected to introduce his 2012 budget resolution sometime this week. The American people expect major changes in spending, and so do I. To get this spending under control, the House, Senate and White House need to have serious discussions to rework the entire attitude of spending in Washington. We need to put everything on the table for consideration, not just discretionary spending, but mandatory spending as well. Mandatory spending includes Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and other government funded programs and entitlements. The President and Senator Reid need to listen to the American people and not continue this rampage of spending that has lead to a $1.6 trillion deficit this fiscal year.

House Passes Neugebauer Amendment to the FAA Reauthorization Act

Last week, the House passed the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act .  This bill included my amendment directing the Administrator of the FAA to conduct a feasibility study about creating a public online database that lists the exact location and height of low-altitude aviation obstructions, many of which are currently unlit and unmarked. There have been a number of fatalities in recent years caused by aircraft collisions with these structures, and could be avoided by providing easy-to-access information regarding the location of these obstructions.  My amendment encourages the FAA Administrator to develop such a resource.

This is an important issue to all low-altitude pilots including agriculture aviators, Emergency Medical Services, firefighters, fish and wildlife service aircraft, mosquito control and many others. Making such information publicly available will allow these pilots to operate safely and conduct many important activities, including operations that are crucial to West Texas agriculture.

The Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act

Last week, Representative Louie Gohmert introduced the Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act, H.R. 1297. I am proud to be a cosponsor of this bill, which will ensure our military men and women will be paid in the event of a government shutdown. H.R. 1297 will appropriate funds to ensure that members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, reserve components, National Guard and Coast Guard continue to receive pay for active duty service should the government shut down. Members of the military are on the front lines everyday risking their lives to protect our freedoms, and Congress must ensure that members of the military and their families continue to receive the payment they earn and deserve.

Mobile Office Hours This Week

This week, my district staff will be holding mobile office hours to assist constituents with any help they need with federal agencies, or to hear your views on issues before Congress. Please find the schedule below:

Tuesday April 5, 2011: Olney, 12pm – 1pm, Olney Chamber of Commerce108 E. Main Street, Olney, TX

Thursday April 7, 2011: Fisher County (Roby/Rotan), 10:30am – 11:30am, Big Country Electric Cooperative – Board Room, 1010 W. South 1st Street, Roby, TX

Friday April 8, 2011: Clyde, 10am – 11am, City Council Chambers, 222 Oak Street, Clyde, TX

Question of the Week

“Should Republicans make a deal with Democrats regarding spending for the next 6 months if it will cut $33 billion from the budget?”

Please visit my website to submit your answer to this week's question.

Thank you for your continuing responses to our “Question of the Week.” Here are the results from last week’s question:

“In light of the recent nuclear events in Japan, do you believe nuclear power is still a viable source of energy for the United States?”

Yes – 73.8%
No – 22.2%
Undecided – 4%


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. Also, please forward the Roundup to anyone who might enjoy hearing updates from DC. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.