Sandy Adams

Sandy Adams


Member of Congress representing Florida’s 24th Congressional District.

With Hurricane Sandy projected to hit Florida, this information is timely and could help you and your family prepare.

I will be at today's hearing about Benghazi. If you have questions you'd like for me to add to my list, please tweet them to me.

An update on my efforts to highlight the outrageous conference spending by MEP. A new Commerce IG investigation.

Today is a day of remembrance of the thousands of lives lost on 9/11, and a reminder of the challenges we face in an ever changing world.

RIP Neil Armstrong. A hero for millions, you and Buzz Aldrin showed we could beat the Soviets and take that great step for mankind.

Today is Purple Heart day, where we honor those soldiers wounded or killed in defense of our nation. Thank you to all those who have served.

Great debate on the future of the US Space program. . Esp on the heels of successful Curiosity landing. Congrats NASA!

I voted tonight to keep taxes low for all Americans and stop a tax hikes, also to put sanctions on Iran to halt their nuclear ambitions.

Just introduced a bill to help courthouse safety. It doesn't cost taxpayers, and puts extra security equipment to use.

Today the House will consider Audit the Fed legislation. As a co-sponsor of this important bill, I'm excited to see it some up for a debate.

Very sorry to see the passing of our 1st female astronaut, Sally Ride. A pioneer and inspiration to girls everywhere, she'll be missed.

My heart goes out to the families of the victims and wounded in Colorado. Our prayers are with you.

I will be going on on this morning at 7:20 AM ET 2 talk about gov’t waste I have identified at NIST. Hope u can watch!

I will be going on on this Sunday at 7:20 AM ET 2 talk about gov’t waste I have identified at NIST. Hope you can watch!

Follow the link to learn more about how gov't agencies and entities are wasting your hard earned taxpayer dollars.

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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