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Teacher Development in Afghanistan


Teacher Development in Afghanistan

Video by Staff Sgt. Katie Gray | 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (Hawaii) | Date: 09.21.2012

A New York National Guardsman provides a teacher development seminar to Afghan teachers of the Spin Boldak district. Includes sound bites from Sgt. Andrew Brechko, Joint Border Coordination Center, Intel... View Video

MinuteMan Report: NGAUS Meeting in Nevada


MinuteMan Report: NGAUS Meeting in Nevada

Video by Tech. Sgt. Amber Monio and Tech. Sgt. Matt Schwartz | Air National Guard Training and Education Center/TV | Date: 09.14.2012

The National Guard Association of the United States met in Reno, Nevada recently to discuss the interests, needs and challenges guardsmen face throughout the nation. Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt... View Video

Guard Provides Solution to Fiscal Challenges


Guard Provides Solution to Fiscal Challenges

Video by Tech. Sgt. Amber Monio | Air National Guard Training and Education Center/TV | Date: 09.13.2012

Capt. Michael W. Potter, executive officer of the Arizona National Guard’s Medical Hold Detachment, was awarded the Purple Heart recently, for injuries sustained while deployed to Iraq with the 259th Engineer... View Video