
Boustany- "Working Families in Southwest Louisiana Face Higher Taxes as Price for Gas and Food Rise"

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD, R-Southwest Louisiana, made the following statement today as millions of Americans file their personal tax returns.
Today, as thousands of Southwest Louisiana families go to pay their taxes, they are also dealing with higher prices at the pump, medical costs and prices at the grocery store,” Boustany said. “Both parties in Congress are to blame for runaway federal spending. The American people deserve better, and we must work towards lowering their tax bill, increasing American energy production and reigning in spending to let people keep more of their own hard-earned money.”
Recently, Congress debated the FY09 budget. The Democratic budget proposal includes a massive $683 billion tax increase in order to finance wasteful Washington spending. 116 million taxpayers will face an average tax hike of $1,833 under the Democratic plan. While failing to address growing entitlement programs, House Democrats are proposing tens of billions more in new federal spending facilitated by the tax increase.