
Boustany Lauds Passage of Hurricane Housing Relief

Washington, D.C.  – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Lafayette, today praised passage of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act of 2007 (H.R. 1227), which provides comprehensive housing relief for areas impacted by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina.  The U.S. House of Representatives approved the bill today by a vote of 302 –

H.R. 1227 provides increased flexibility for already allocated funds, provides new oversight of existing programs, preserves public housing and assists evacuees with rental housing, and provides support for landlords and local communities who assisted evacuees with housing.

“This bill will cut down on the unnecessary red tape that has slowed our rebuilding from Hurricanes Rita and Katrina,” Boustany said.  “The federal government cannot micromanage the recovery process, but it can provide support for local decision makers to create the environment for small business owners, schools, and homeowners to return, rebuild and become success stories.”

Last month, Representative Boustany testified before the House Financial Services Committee regarding the Federal housing response to the 2005 hurricane season.  The second-term lawmaker was the only member on the panel to specifically address the impact of Hurricane Rita.  The February hearing was one of many held by the Financial Services Committee throughout the past year under the leadership of Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Representative Richard Baker (R-LA).

“Representative Waters and Representative Baker deserve a lot of credit for their continued diligence and support on this issue,” Boustany added.  “I’m particularly pleased that this bill also provides support for the many citizens and local communities in Southwest Louisiana who opened their doors to the victims of Hurricane Katrina only to be forced out of their homes during Hurricane Rita.”  
