
Boustany- "Budget Reflects National Priorities, But Must Rein in Federal Spending"

Washington, D.C.– U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., (R-Southwest Louisiana), today applauded the President’s FY2009 budget but urged restraint in federal spending.
“The President’s budget represents a starting point for Congressional leaders, and I am pleased that the budget funds our Armed Forces, increased border security and spurs the national economy,” Boustany said. “It is now up to Congress to prevent massive spending increases and to be good stewards of taxpayers’ money. I will make sure that Southwest Louisiana is represented at the table as we begin the debate.
The President’s FY2009 budget, released Monday, includes a bi-partisan economic growth plan that provides approximately $100 billion of temporary tax relief for 1.6 million individuals in Louisiana alone. In addition, the budget provides for mortgage education and relief, makes the child tax credit and other tax reductions permanent and funds our service men and women serving at home and abroad.