
Boustany Announces $1.9 Million Grant for Lafayette Multimodal Transportation Terminal

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., (R-Southwest Louisiana), today announced a $1,915,204 grant for a new multimodal transportation terminal in Lafayette.

“A solid transportation system is important for Lafayette as the city continues to grow and prosper,” Boustany said. “This grant will help increase our transportation capacity, and I trust the funds will be used effectively. I am glad the multimodal transportation project is moving forward.

Boustany, a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, worked to secure funding for the project which will link passenger bus and rail services for Lafayette. The grant is part of the 2005 Highway Authorization Bill. The total cost of the multimodal project is projected to be $12 million in Federal funds and $3 million in local match for a total of $15 million.

Lafayette City-Parish President Joey Durel said, "This is a project we have been working on for many years, and we are thrilled to receive this federal funding as another piece to help fill the puzzle. We appreciate Congressman Boustany's assistance in securing this funding for Lafayette."