
Boustany Urges Vote on House Republican Health Care Solutions

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Southwest Louisiana, today urged House leaders to allow a vote on the House Republican health care alternative bill to Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats’ massive, 1,990-page overhaul bill, H.R. 3962.

House Republicans believe we can lower health care costs for families and small businesses, and these solutions are a critical first step,” Boustany said.  “I’ve seen the problems with rising health care costs firsthand, and Republicans, Democrats and Independents agree on many significant reforms that would lower health care costs for Americans.  Unfortunately, House Democrats’ overhaul bill focuses on our disagreements.  Our proposal will help people with pre-existing conditions, parents worrying about finding health insurance for their family and small businesses struggling with increasing premiums.  We can achieve meaningful health care reform, but House leaders must allow a vote.

Boustany, a former heart surgeon, advocates lowering health care costs to help Americans struggling with skyrocketing health expenses.  To lower health care costs, House Republicans would:

• allow individuals and small businesses to pool together to purchase health care insurance, increasing their purchase power and helping them with the same tax incentives that large businesses and labor unions currently use;
• allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines to increase choices and control;
• establish a universal health care program to help those with pre-existing conditions get meaningful and affordable health insurance through hi-risk pools and re-insurance;
• and, limit frivolous medical lawsuits, which drive defensive medicine and increase health care costs.

The House Republican health care alternative can be found here and a one-page summary is available here.
