Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor


I serve as the Majority Leader and represent Virginia's 7th District in the U.S. House. Welcome to my official account!

Richmond, VA ·

Next week, the House will meet Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.

The President’s policies are not working. We can do better. We can create opportunity and help make life work again.

When President Obama took office, unemployment stood at 7.8%. Today it is 7.9%. America needs a new direction.

Thank you to all involved in responding to Sandy's impact and to those working to restore power in the coming days. Stay safe!

My heart goes out to all those affected by Sandy. While the worst may be over, please remain vigilant and be careful!

I encourage all of those in the storm's path to make sure family and neighbors have what they need to stay safe.

Het laden lijkt wat langer te duren.

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