
Fixing Spending Problem Will Create Jobs


Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) spoke on the House floor in favor of a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Lamborn is a cosponsor of the resolution, H.J. Res. 2. It requires a two-thirds majority vote for passage in both the House and Senate and ratification by three-fourths of the states to become effective. A balanced budget amendment would force the U.S. government to operate under a balanced budget each year.

Under the amendment, an annual deficit would not be permitted unless authorized by a three-fifths vote of each chamber, and a similar three-fifths vote would be required to raise the debt limit.

Congressman Doug Lamborn Speaks on House Floor in Favor of a Balanced Budget Amendment

To view video, click here.

Text of Floor remarks:

Mr. Speaker, the big-spending policies of the Obama administration have failed America. Millions of Americans have lost their homes, their jobs, and even their hopes for a brighter future.

 Our economy is stalled. The American people are looking for solutions.

This week the House will vote on a balanced budget amendment. It is an honest and bipartisan solution to the problem of overspending that threatens our economic recovery and prevents job creation.

Forty-nine states, including Colorado, comply with a balanced budget requirement. Spending cuts, caps, and promises, though helpful, are only temporary — a balanced budget amendment is permanent.

When the federal government starts living within its means, the nation’s job creators will have the confidence to create more jobs. That certainty is essential to restoring our economy and putting Americans back to work. In an otherwise bleak economic environment, a balanced budget amendment is our brightest ray of hope.

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