In The News

Oct 14, 2012 | Craig Daily Press

Senate moves on Tipton’s hydropower bill

Last month the Senate Energy and Resources subcommittee on water and power held a legislative hearing bringing small hydropower development one step closer to reality. H.R. 2842, the Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower and Rural Jobs Act, is being carried by Congressman Scott Tipton, R-Colo.

Oct 14, 2012 | Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

Tipton tries to stop cash for surveys

A measure to prohibit federal agencies from sending cash in mass surveys would halt practices that critics say is a waste of taxpayer dollars. The Survey Savings Accountability Act also would ensure the quality of the surveys, U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R. Colo., said in introducing the measure.

Oct 14, 2012 | Los Angeles Times

Pay the public to take government surveys? Lawmaker says no more

A penny for your thoughts? No? How about $2? A federal agency’s mailing of $2 bills to about 10,000 households to encourage their participation in a survey has led to proposed legislation to end the government’s use of such cash incentives. "No wonder the U.S. is having money problems if the government has extra $2 bills to mail out randomly,’’ wrote one recipient, according to Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Colo.), who proposed the legislation.

Sep 23, 2012 | Politico

House Republicans slam Steven Chu memo

“My communities over in Mesa County: 19.5 percent real unemployment. These people are struggling right now,” said Colorado Rep. Scott Tipton. He said the Obama administration is pursuing “policies that are taxation via regulation that are driving up of costs over many consumers, money they can never recoup.”

Sep 23, 2012 | Summit County Voice

Environment: EPA approves Colorado clean air plan

“I’m pleased to see that Colorado’s plan to reduce haze pollution is moving forward because it’s a common sense, locally-driven solution that will keep our state’s most beautiful areas clean, and ensure that all who visit or call our state home have the opportunity to enjoy one of the things that truly makes this the best place to live in the nation.”

Sep 23, 2012 | KREX Channel 5

Watch: Tipton Receives Honor from Small Business Group

Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Colo., was honored by the National Federation of Independent Business with the Guardian of Small Business award, citing his commitment to fighting for economic growth in congress.

Sep 23, 2012 | Grand Junction Sentinel Editorial

Feds pick winners and losers with new postal plan

The U.S. Postal Service established a terrible precedent last month when it opted to give one company a fantastic deal on mass advertising, to the detriment of thousands of other private businesses. We applaud 3rd District Rep. Scott Tipton for stepping into the fray on this issue by seeking a House Oversight Committee hearing on the contract the Postal Service approved with Valassis Direct Mail Inc. We hope the hearing leads to a reversal of the contract decision.

Sep 23, 2012 | Pueblo Chieftain Editorial

Restoring Valor

The House vote last week was 410-3. U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Colo., who was among the majority, said anyone falsely claiming to be a decorated veteran ought to face consequences.We couldn’t agree more.

Aug 30, 2012 | Pueblo Chieftain

Tipton: Cut fed red tape

U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Colo., emphasized the need to cut federal regulations during a town hall here Monday evening. As he has done at a number of previous stops in the San Luis Valley, Tipton, the owner of a Cortez pottery business, spoke about the effects they've had on farmers, ranchers and small business owners like himself.

Aug 30, 2012 | The Hill

Republicans question Postal Service advertising deal

“While we applaud the Postal Service for seeking innovative ways to get back on the path to fiscal solvency, we do not believe the USPS should be choosing winners and losers in the private sector,” said the letter, spearheaded by Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Colo.) and sent to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the Oversight Committee chairman.
