The Congressional Bike Caucus PDF Print E-mail


To provide Congressional leadership in complementing the efforts of the millions of cyclists actively working for safer roads, more bikeways, convenient bike parking and increased recognition of the importance of cycling for transportation and recreation.

About the Bike Caucus

When Rep. Earl Blumenauer was elected to Congress in May 1996, he immediately noticed that Washington, D.C., with its dry climate, plenty of flat terrain, and world-class bike trails was a great environment for cycling. During his tenure as a City Commissioner in Portland, Oregon, Rep. Blumenauer worked closely with bike advocacy groups and learned over time that cyclists are some of the most determined, most dedicated, and most fun people around. The combination of these experiences led to the development of the House Bike Caucus.

Working with Representatives Oberstar, DeFazio and Joe Kennedy, whose “Chain Gang” successfully moved cycling onto the national agenda in 1991, the Bike Caucus quickly gained a dozen members from both parties. The Bike Caucus was initially conceived as an informal, bipartisan group whose primary goal would be to provide a place for cycling Members of Congress and their staffs to have fun. The objectives of the caucus have evolved to include promoting policies that aim to integrate bicycling as an attractive transportation and recreational alternative. Whatever the solutions proposed, their implementation in livable communities requires a process in which grassroots involvement helps create and solidify partnerships comprised of civic and business organizations, state, local and federal governments. The Bi-Partisan Congressional Bike Caucus is supported by over 160 Members, representing 43 states and the District of Columbia.


More information about the bipartisan Congressional Bike Caucus:


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