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Do you live in a “death spiral” state? Californians take note
8:57 am on Dec 10, 2012

What is a "death spiral state"?  If you live in the largest state on the West Coast, I think you know the answer.  The Forbes article below uses objective criteria to establish rankings -- with the idea of suggesting that folks should not buy homes or…

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Richard Rider

Do you live in a "death spiral" state? Californians take note

Hon. Bill Leonard

Barbara Alby: A Strong Leader With A Common Touch

Jon Fleischman

Requiescat In Pace, Barbara Alby

Richard Rider

CA appeals court overturns "soak businesses" parcel tax

Katy Grimes

Right-to-work is a real economic stimulus

Jon Fleischman

Random Thoughts on Kevin Jeffries, Jim DeMint, Supermajorities, and "The Bargaining Table"

It Has Begun"¦.4 Dead in Northridge

Katy Grimes

CEQA needs an overhaul, but don't count on it

Richard Rider

Feds spend $368 million on San Diego courthouse for FEWER courtrooms

Congressman John Campbell

The President's "Offer"

Katy Grimes

Legislative fractured fairy tale

John Hrabe

How Democrats Won the Super-Majority: Party Money Laundering

Richard Rider

Britain's missing millionaires a lesson for California

Jon Fleischman

And Then There Were 36. What Now, GOP Legislators?

Katy Grimes

Business closings bring huge losses

Mike Spence

Proposition 32 lost the election in October"¦ 2011

Jon Fleischman

The House Foreign Affairs Committee Is In Strong Hands With Royce

Congressman John Campbell

Taxes and Culture

John Hrabe

Democrat Committees Funneled Special Interest Money to Quirk-Silva

Richard Rider

Why Prop 30 Will Decimate CA Pro Sports


Common Sense After A Close Election

Once You Make A Promise"¦

BOE Member George Runner

Many Online Sellers Don't Have to Collect Sales Tax


Think Majority

Erica Holloway

Ferret Lovers Covet Maienschein's Backing

Richard Rider

2012 the end of the GOP in the U.S.? Not hardly!

Richard Rider

First CA "cap-and-trade" auction a dismal failure "” and racist to boot!

Katy Grimes

Will the real Republicans please stand up?

An "Outside the Box" Solution to the Republican Slide in California

Rohit Joy

Contra Costa Republican Party Builds Local Farm Team

Richard Rider

Average CA city employee compensation over $140,000/year!

Congressman John Campbell


BOE Member George Runner

October Sales Tax Collections Strong

John Hrabe

Winning Too Much? Congressional Victories Delay Democrats" Super-Majority

Richard Rider

"CA vs. Other States" fact sheet updated for election results

Our Socialist Worker's Paradise


Moving Forward: Four Areas Where the Republican Party Must Grow

Jon Fleischman

November 6: A Devastating Election For Republicans

Jon Fleischman

Election Night Coverage

Katy Grimes

How many tax increases will "fix" California?

Jon Fleischman

Rallying To Keep Roy Ashburn Out Of Public Office

Shawn Steel

GOTV Swing State Update: Early Voting in Ohio

Jon Fleischman


Shawn Steel

GOTV Ohio Field Update: Comparing Headquarters

Rohit Joy

Republicans Guaranteed a Majority on Walnut Creek City Council in 2013


Why GOP Registration Has Dropped Below 30%, and What to Do About It

Mike Spence

For Unions Telling Employees Their Rights = Unfair Labor Practice. Why Proposition 32 is needed

Jon Fleischman

AD 67: Family Action PAC Pulls Melendez Endorsement

Proposition 36: A Fool's Reform of Three Strikes

John Hrabe

Yes on Prop. 34: Limit the Power of Government


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RT @RobertBluey: How @LeadershipInst is Training Tech-Savvy Conservatives ($) via @techpresident


Love it when a cop looks at ME like I'm crazy when I tell them that it is outrageous and wrong that they can retire at full salary at age 50


@tedlieu @aaronmclear Apparently #PROP30 is both a floor wax and a desert topping!


SF Sheriff Mirkarimi was reinstated. Waiting for a lefty Supervisor to explain how "our society is responsible" for him hitting his wife.


Of course he got off, the whole "jury" was made up of liberals RT @debrajsaunders: Three votes to retain #Mirkarimi. It's over.


RT @SovernNation: Breaking: Supervisor Avalos says he'll vote against misconduct charge, will vote to restore #Mirkarimi as sheriff. Tha ...


The anti-nuke protestors in Dana Point are welcome to shut down SCE's power plant for good - if they are going to pay my electricity bills.


Turn it on! RT @SCE_SONGS: Poll: 68% Confident #SanOnofre Can Be Restarted and Operated Safely


@JenniferFearing you're okay for a #VEGGIESAURUS


@JenniferFearing good ol' Prop 2 - "Condos for Chickens"


I'm calling on Molly Munger to... DOUBLE DOWN! #NoOn30


RT @MattRexroad: Kevin Jeffries puts the beat down on Bob Buster in this Supervisors debate.


RT @LincolnFresno: The Fresno County Lincoln Club Voter Guide is up:


Off Twitter most of the day begat did I miss?


RT @mp3michael: Eye opening expose into those complicit in Poway's horrific bond deal to borrow $100MM & payback $1B ...


RT @cfodee: #flashreport J Fleishman-a stand up guy. Thanks for clarifying to CFRW tonight. I'm a believer!


RT @Schwarzenegger: Thanks to @jayleno for having me. Looking forward to watching tonight.


@cfodee I'm available after the meeting if you want.


Getting ready to speak to the @RPSDC meetings - hundreds of activists and donors here - working to elect Republicans!


RT @trojanmom8: At the @RPSDC meeting, the last one prior to the most important election of our lifetime! #cagop #catcot #shouldbegood


RT @JimNielsenAD02: Statement from Jim Nielsen on Dan Logue's Announcement


Dear Molly Munger - if you need any help explaining to voters why passing Prop. 30 is a bad idea, DM me.


Where is my RT love on the Logue news my MSM tweeps? Sigh.


@cmarinucci A fine American tradition is to kick out the reporters who will be voting for Obama.


Logue's name will still appear on the State Senate ballot, of course, as those ballots have already been printed.


We wish Assemblyman Logue Godspeed for a quick recovery from his health challenges.


Logue was in a tough battle against fellow north-state Assemblyman Jim Nielsen, who will now coast into this non-coastal Senate seat.


*Breaking* Citing health issues, Dan Logue drops State Senate bid; will seek re-election to the Assembly -->


RT @RPSDC: "TONIGHT: Official Pre-Election Event For All San Diego Republicans With Jon Fleischman And Deborah Seiler" ...


RT @capoliticalnews: Charles Munger in tear against conservatives--just put in $300K against Dahle for moderate Bosetti. $200K for Niel ...


RT @TheFix: What WAS Obama thinking during the 1st presidential debate? "Saturday Night Live" has answers.


RT @CapitolAlert: Former CA Lt. Gov. Mervyn Dymally dies at 86


@doclobby Waiting for the lobbyist who comes out of "Super 8" giving the Assembly Speaker a bad review... It will be a long wait.


If I were a manager at the County of Orange I would turn down the raise. Since odds are it will be followed by getting fired.


RT @TheFix: Amazing project on the investments of Members of Congress -- with interactive graphic!


RT @MelissaTweets: Seen the @HatingBreitbart trailer yet? Watch during the commercial break:


RT @BenHowe: VIDEO: The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya


My week on twitter: 38 retweets received, 2 new listings, 59 new followers, 8 mentions. Via:


.@SenFeinstein is in the "faux concern" about gas prices game. Pandering 2 voters who drive when she supports policies that hike gas prices.


No doubt @terrytamminen and his extreme environmental radical buddies are loving the high gas prices.


If @JerryBrownGov feigning concern about gas prices is total bullshit. You can't credibly care when you promote policies that raise prices.


Truth: @JerryBrownGov enthusiastically supports onerous regulations that will drive gas prices up much higher than this.


There's no logical Yes on 30, Yes on 38 strategy. If both pass only top vote getter goes into effect. If u like 1 u must defeat the other.


I guess it would be a buzz kill to tell @mikegatto how his new baby already is in debt to the federal and state government.


@tedlieu Prop 38 supporters like M. Munger understand that if Prop 30 gets more vote, 38 can't go into effect.


Those who like that #PROP38 is guaranteed school funding (unlike #PROP30), remember only one can go into effect. You have to knock down 30!


@mikegatto Congratulation!


RT @CAnStereo: Sacramento responsible for our sky-high gas prices


RT @jpitney: #California county supervisors are as territorial as German shepherds.


RT @conanNBCLA: The truce is over. Molly Munger about to go after Prop 30. NBC4 LA at ;9AM tomorrow


Go to FR's Twitter Page

SD Politico: Candlelight Vigil tonight, 4:30 at Congressman Issa's office


Liberal OC: Shea Threatens City Employee in Advance of her New Term on Irvine City Council


Liberal OC: OC Board of Supervisors accepting Applications to fill vacant elected positions


CA Progress Report: Reform Cuts Marijuana Possession Arrests 86% in 2011, Upends California Drug Policing


CA Progress Report: MWD to Vote on Support for Raising Shasta Dam, Tribal and Conservation Groups Opposed


Calitics: Prop 8's fate to be determined at the Supreme Court


SD Politico: San Diego Working Families To Participate in National Candlelight Campaign Against Cuts


Dem Majority Report: Speaker Pérez on Supreme Court Announcement: "Continue to Fight for Justice"


Dem Majority Report: California Assembly Republicans "Diversity" Panel: A PR Blunder at Best, an Insult to State's Diverse Communities at Worst


Liberal OC: Battle for the Heart of DPOC Underway


Calitics: The Low Hanging Fruit? Reducing Tax Thresholds


Liberal OC: U.S. Unemployment Drops to 7.7 percent


CA Progress Report: California Controller John Chiang Honored with Environmental Leadership Award


SD Politico: Rep.-Elect Scott Peters Announces First Hires Michelle Dorothy Named Chief of Staff, MaryAnne Pintar is District Director


SD Politico: Lorena Gonzalez To Run For State Assembly


SD Politico: Dr. Shirley Nash Weber takes Oath as Newest Assemblymember for 79th District


Calitics: The Fiscal Cliff Can't Be Solved by Throwing Seniors Over the Cliff


Calitics: Villaraigosa Defends Association With "Fix the Debt" As 11K Califorinians Sign Protest Petition


CA Progress Report: Red State, Blue State


Calitics: 2016: Cuomo betrays Democratic Party


Calitics: What is a "Safe Seat"? And Can the Republicans Save Themselves?


Liberal OC: Costa Mesa Layoffs go the way of the Dodo Bird


CA Progress Report: California Legislature Must Restore Democracy to Transit Funding


Liberal OC: Senator Correa Proposes Bill to Address "Dark Money"


CA Progress Report: Defending Teachers and Teaching: Standardized Testing Cons


Liberal OC: Barbaro to Step Down at DPOC


Liberal OC: OC Register Editorial Misses the Mark on Parcel Tax Questions


Calitics: Villariagosa Partners With Wall Street To Throw Californians Off The "Fiscal Cliff"


Dem Majority Report: Assemblyman Fox's Win a Surprise -- But Not Unearned


CA Progress Report: Ammiano to Introduce Sweeping Prison Reform Legislation


Liberal OC: The Silence of the FFFFers


CA Progress Report: New Legislature, New Year for Health Care in California (and a Special Event)


Calitics: Gay Therapy Bill Blocked by Federal Judge


Calitics: Steve Fox Who?


Liberal OC: Irvine's Pervs in the Park Ordinance is Unconstitutional


CA Progress Report: California Gas Prices: A Rigged Game Where Consumers Lose Big


CA Progress Report: Women Invent a Better World


Liberal OC: 25 World AIDS Days Later "“ Looking Forward!


Calitics: Prop 8 litigation status at the Supreme Court likely determined today. UPDATE:Nope.


Liberal OC: NY Times: Taxes Lower for Americans Now Compared to 1980s


CA Progress Report: Climate Change: Mad Weather, Insane Policies


CA Progress Report: White House Makes Aggressive Opening Bid in Fiscal Slope Negotiations


Liberal OC: What Reagan Revolution?


Liberal OC: Allan Bartlett to Join Irvine Finance Commission


Calitics: Tim Donnelly Brings Crisis Front and Center to the GOP


CA Progress Report: Post-election, Push for Changes in Education Policy


CA Progress Report: Reject the Fiscal Cliff and the Grand Bargain


Liberal OC: California Supreme Court refuses to consider appeal in Costa Mesa outsourcing case


Liberal OC: Sanchez Knocks Anthem for Proposed 18% Healthcare Insurance Increase


Calitics: The Fall of Kindee Durkee


Go To Blog Scan Page

SacBee Capitol Alert: California lost more people to other states than it gained in 2011


SacBee Capitol Alert: California leads nation with nearly 6,000 centenarians


VC Star Timm Herdt: The Republicans' dour problem


SacBee Capitol Alert: Dan Walters Daily: California's debate over taxes just beginning


SacBee Capitol Alert: AM Alert: Proposition 8, California state budget still in the news


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: California lawmaker proposes tax breaks for commercial space firms


Cal Pensions: Illinois pension crisis: could it happen here?


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: Skelton: California water bond needs to be boiled down


VC Star Brian Dennert: My student is going to the Electoral College


VC Star Brian Dennert: Simi Valley City Council: Barbra Williamson


LAT Opinion: Lift the debt ceiling, permanently


CA's Capitol- Greg Lucas: First Assembly Constitutional Amendment of the New Legislative Session a Non-Starter


LAT Opinion: Proposition 8 passes


LAT Opinion: Baca finally agrees to turn over all of the Ruben Salazar files


OC Register Total Buzz: County taking applications for three vacant posts


LAT Opinion: Bag BioWatch because of its bugs? Bad idea [Blowback]


CCTimes/OakTrib Politics Blog: Garamendi raising funds to pay off campaign debt


SacBee State Worker: Bill extends social media protections to public-sector workers


LAT Opinion: Gay marriage: Scalia knew this day would come


CCTimes/OakTrib Politics Blog: What they"re saying about SCOTUS & gay marriage


OC Register Total Buzz: O.C. activists respond to Prop. 8 decision


SacBee Capitol Alert: Supreme Court to hear DOMA and Prop. 8 gay marriage cases


LAT Opinion: Iamb who iamb: L.A. gets new poet laureate


SacBee Capitol Alert: California revenue lags due to Facebook, corporate refunds


SacBee State Worker: Law officer union gave $630,000 to initiative, Democratic Party


SacBee Capitol Alert: Ken Cooley joins seven NorCal legislators in nixing per diem


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: California Democrats weigh in on Prop. 8 decision


SacBee Capitol Alert: Dan Walters Daily: GOP no longer ignoring Jim Brulte's advice


SacBee Capitol Alert: AM Alert: Assembly Republicans form diversity outreach team


LAT Opinion: Little Hoover's dim view of California's energy future


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: Online voter registration boosted turnout, data suggest


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: California ethics agency looks at former state senator's car purchase


CA's Capitol- Greg Lucas: Golden State's Future a Little More Golden But Still Work to Do, Recent Poll Says


VC Star Timm Herdt: Of pettiness and Rules


SacBee Capitol Alert: California State University applications keep going up


LAT Opinion: Parsing Republican paranoia on the disability treaty


LAT Opinion: L.A. finds yet another way to take the joy out of parking


SacBee Capitol Alert: California budget spends less than U.S. average on education


SacBee State Worker: Column Extra: More on new California state retirement formulas


SacBee Capitol Alert: Assemblyman wants Prop. 13 change for commercial property


CCTimes/OakTrib Politics Blog: A new push for "split-roll" property taxes


CCTimes/OakTrib Politics Blog: A few more bits from Bill Clinton's speech


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: GOP leader suggests pulling the plug on California's high-speed rail


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: Rural counties seek bigger share of prison money


SacBee Capitol Alert: Dan Walters Daily: Californians more optimistic


SacBee Capitol Alert: AM Alert: PPIC poll finds support for 'split-roll' property tax


LAT Opinion: Why the dollar bill's days may be numbered


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: Lawmaker wants to change Proposition 13


Capitol Weekly/ LA Times PolitiCal: Two Assembly members, just reelected, announce runs for Senate


CalBuzz: PPIC: California Ready to Slay the Ghost of Jarvis


Go To Blog Scan Page

John Hrabe: 2012 Money Shot: Humboldt Democrats, Special Interests and Senate Targets


John Hrabe: Democrat committees funneled special interest money to O.C. candidate


John Hrabe: Bah Humbug! Since When Does Xmas Start Before Thanksgiving?


OC Register Punch: Prop. 30"²s $6 billion? Not exactly"¦


OC Register Punch: Obama kept these promises. Ouch


John Hrabe: The Souvenir Industrial Complex


John Hrabe: What AirBnB and CouchSurfing Prove About Human Nature


John Hrabe: Notre Dame Football Violation Could Lead to Jail Time


John Hrabe: Notre Dame Uses Postal Equipment


OC Register Punch: Opinion's one-stop 2012 Election resource


OC Register Punch: Gas prices high? Here's part of the reason


OC Register Punch: CARB says "No." There's a surprise


OC Register Punch: Unprofitable? Make it up in volume. Huh?


John Hrabe: Goodwill Industries: Charitable Exploitation


OC Register Punch: Obama's eventual middle-class tax increase


OC Register Punch: Washington Posts asks people to describe Obama in one word


John Hrabe: Best Website for West Coast Leaf Peeping


OC Register Punch: Deficit hawks are OK as far as they go, but there's something more fundamental


OC Register Punch: What kind of government should we have?


Calwhine: The summer hiatus may be indefinite


OC Register Punch: Global warming sinking the Maldives? Not exactly


OC Register Punch: Global warming cause and effect? Not exactly"¦


Eric Hogue: United States Bureau of Reclamation Violates Spring Flow Objectives on San Joaquin River


OC Register Punch: Global warming alarmism detached from reality, still


OC Register Punch: Quote of the day: Addicted to oil? Not exactly"¦


John Hrabe: Croatian Economic Blog:


OC Register Punch: Nonvoters prefer Obama


John Hrabe: Paul Ryan's Tea Party Problem: Voted for Bailouts (Before He Was Against It)


OC Register Punch: Tax bills coming your way, as if you needed more


OC Register Punch: Arnold's in the tank. Think tank, that is.


OC Register Punch: What we need is another law. Really?


OC Register Punch: How did California get this way? Ready for more of the same?


OC Register Punch: Obamacare and jobs: when more is less


John Hrabe: Star-Studded Cal State fundraising galas net little profit


John Hrabe: Scramble for congressional seats could prevent Calif. tax increases


John Hrabe: California Exports Regulations Worldwide


John Hrabe: State Parks: Only in California is a government surplus scandalous


OC Register Punch: High-speed rail derailment derailed, for now


OC Register Punch: Obama just wants to "ask" people to pay more in taxes. Really?


OC Register Punch: California state government's dishonorable honor system


OC Register Punch: Government deception in Sacramento? Say it's not so!


OC Register Punch: Murderous profile? What, no right-wing, Bible-thumper?


Eric Hogue: Native American Republican Super PAC formed in California


OC Register Punch: Language of politics: Jerry Brown, Barack Obama


OC Register Punch: Temperatures records? We"ve got your temperature records right here.


OC Register Punch: What's the green job obsession all about? Here's a clue


OC Register Punch: Obama didn't mean what he said? Really?


OC Register Punch: Obama's concept of sort-of-free, but definitely communal, enterprise


OC Register Punch: Speaking (ill) of Obamacare


OC Register Punch: When are there too many laws?


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