• [image]Gus Gregory

    'X-Files' Star's Sri Lanka Home

    Gillian Anderson, who played Dana Scully on 'The X-Files,' restored this Sri Lankan property. With 40-foot ceilings, it was originally built big enough to accommodate an elephant.

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  • [image]Ed Jones/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Asia in Pictures

    A paramilitary guard stands before the bars of a main gate to the No.1 Detention Center in Beijing, Ai Weiwei dances in a 'Gangnam Style' music video cover, a woman uses a ticket vending machine as soldiers took part in an anti-terror and security drill in Seoul, and more.

  • [image]REUTERS

    Photos of the Day: Oct. 25

    In today's pictures, refugees stage a hunger strike in Berlin, a U.S. soldier gives a boy a pen in Afghanistan, Argentine sailors return home from Ghana, and more.

  • [OB-VC253_seofw0_E_20121024235325.jpg]European Pressphoto Agency

    Lie Sang-Bong

    On Seoul’s Runway: Hong Hye-Jin, Lie Sang-Bong

    Looks from Hong Hye-Jin, Lie Sang-Bong and more as Seoul Fashion Week winds down.

  • [image]Lorenzo Tugnoli

    Iranian Aid Programs in Afghanistan Expand Influence

    Iran is funding aid projects and expanding intelligence networks across Afghanistan, moving to fill the void to be left by the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, according to U.S. and Afghan officials.

  • [OB-VC286_sfashi_E_20121025032541.jpg]Zuma Press

    Shanghai Fashion Week in Pictures

    Looks from La Vie, Simon Wang and more at Shanghai Fashion Week.

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