Helping Community Service Programs Succeed

Oct 26, 2012 Issues: 9th District, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee

Dear Friend,

Early voting has already begun in Memphis.  I encourage you to take advantage of early voting to avoid any unforeseen problems on Election Day.  This week I joined with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps to host a presentation on federally-funded community service programs.  I also spoke at the Delta Grassroots Caucus Annual Conference.

Helping Community Service Programs Succeed
Delta Grassroots Caucus Annual Conference
Early Voting in Memphis
Court OKs Library Cards for Voting
BRIDGES’ 90th Anniversary Luncheon
Young Professionals Roundtable
Opportunities for Universities
Grants for Museums
Boy Scout Pack of Webelos
Remembering Sen. George McGovern
Medicare Open Enrollment Season Underway
Free Photo Identification

Grant Announcements

Helping Community Service Programs Succeed

Yesterday I joined with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) to host a presentation on federally-funded community service programs.  The presentation was held to benefit non-profit, community and neighborhood organizations that do not have the capacity to apply for and receive federal funding or grants.  NCCC offers indirect funding by sending teams to cities to conduct service in one of their four target areas: natural and other disasters; infrastructure improvement; environmental stewardship and conservation; and energy conservation and urban and rural development.  I was pleased that there was so much interest.  A standing-room-only crowd attended to learn about resources to improve our community.  Click here to learn more.

Delta Grassroots Caucus Annual Conference
On Wednesday I spoke at the Delta Grassroots Caucus Annual Conference entitled “Job Creation and Economic Recovery.”  I discussed a wide variety of topics including my strong support for renewable energy, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, SNAP and other USDA nutrition programs, and investments in transportation, broadband, and infrastructure to help create jobs.  I also talked about my Jobs for Urban Sustainability and Training in America Act which would help bring workforce development funds to cities with high unemployment and my work to bring to Memphis the first and only MBDA Business Center in the State of Tennessee.

I also discussed my work to win a $15 million dollar TIGER grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for the Main Street to Main Street Multi-Modal Connector Project and how proud I was to work with the Great American Steamboat Company, DOT and Mayor A C Wharton to help the company acquire the American Queen and move their headquarters to Memphis, bringing hundreds of jobs to our City.

Early Voting in Memphis
Early voting has begun in Memphis.  I encourage you to vote early so you can avoid any unforeseen problems that may arise on Election Day.  Early voting runs through November 1, just five days before the November 6 election.  Click here to learn more about early voting in Shelby County.

Court OKs Library Cards for Voting
Yesterday the state Court of Appeals upheld the constitutionality of Tennessee’s voter-photo identification law but also ordered that new photo library cards issued by the Memphis Public Library be accepted for voting by otherwise qualified, registered voters.  The order is a partial victory for Memphis, which originally filed a lawsuit in July asking that its new photo library cards be accepted for voting purposes by qualified registered voters.  Click here to learn more.

BRIDGES’ 90th Anniversary Luncheon

Yesterday I attended BRIDGES’ 90th Anniversary Luncheon featuring Newark, NJ Mayor Cory Booker as the keynote speaker.  From its humble beginnings as a church-based ministry in 1922 to the recent expansion of the Bridge Builders® program, BRIDGES has worked with youth to build a community of leaders focused on facing the challenges of Memphis. Mayor Booker was chosen for this event to share his views on effective leadership and strategies for transforming a city. Pictured with me at the Luncheon is Becky Wilson.

Young Professionals Roundtable

This week I hosted a Young Professionals Roundtable in my District Office.  It was great to meet with young Memphis professionals who are looking to better our city, region and country through public and community service.  We discussed many topics including the Affordable Care Act, TIGER Grants, the Memphis MBDA Business Center, my Fresh Start Act, my Equal Employment for All Act, food deserts and federal student aid.

Opportunities for Universities
There is a great opportunity for colleges and universities in our district and across the country to receive recognition for their achievements in community service. The President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll annually awards honors in two categories: (1) General Community Service and (2) Special Focus Area, which includes projects related to three priorities in education and innovation: the Promise Neighborhoods model, Innovation in Early Childhood Education, and Summer Learning.  The deadline for applications is November 29. Click here to learn more.

Grants for Museums
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is accepting applications for its Museums for America and National Leadership Grants for Museums programs. I encourage museums of all sizes and of all types, from art, history, science, and children’s museums to zoos, botanic gardens, and aquaria, to review the new guidelines, participate in IMLS webinars, and submit applications.  Click here to learn more.

Boy Scout Pack of Webelos
This week I spoke before the Boy Scout Pack of Webelos of the Evergreen Historic District.  I discussed the importance of education and the roles of citizenship and government with the boys and girls in attendance.  It’s always great to meet with and talk to the future leaders of our country.

Remembering Sen. George McGovern

Last weekend former Sen. George McGovern passed away.  Sen. McGovern was a proud public servant and a humble man of great character.  In Congress, he stood for America’s farming families and our middle class, and on behalf of peace.  As the Democratic nominee for President in 1972, he strongly spoke out against the war in Vietnam and he was a proud voice for Democratic and American values.  Throughout his lifetime, he led on behalf of progress, compassion, and generosity.  Sen. McGovern’s memory and legacy will continue to inspire all who knew him.

Medicare Open Enrollment Season Underway

Medicare open enrollment season has begun and will continue until December 7.  Now is the time to make changes to your Medicare plan if necessary. Picking a health plan is a very important and personal decision, and one that should be reviewed each year. This is the only time during the year that changes to drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans can be made, so I encourage you to take a look at your health plan and explore whether or not you need to alter your current coverage.

People with Medicare can call 800.MEDICARE or visit for plan information.  You can also reach out to The Aging Commission of the Mid-South’s SHIP (State Health Insurance Program) for assistance.  SHIP is an unbiased, objective counseling service that provides beneficiaries with information so that they can make educated decisions concerning their plans.  The SHIP program does not sell insurance.  If you have questions regarding Medicare or would like to know about counseling locations, please call SHIP at 901.222.4111.

Free Photo Identification
State officials have announced plans to open eight driver service centers, including one in Memphis, on the first Saturday of November to give citizens more opportunities to get photo identification cards required for voting in the November election.  The centers will open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on November 3 but only for issuing voter photo IDs and converting non-photo driver’s licenses into photo driver’s licenses.  In Shelby County, only the driver service center at 3200 East Shelby Drive will open on the Saturday.

However, registered voters without any of the government-issued photo IDs approved for voting purposes may obtain the voter photo IDs at the three other driver service centers in Shelby County during their regular business hours -- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. They are at 3040 Walnut Grove, 6340 Summer and 5019 West Union Road in Millington. They are also available at the limited-service License Reinstatement Center in Hickory Ridge Mall during its regular business hours on weekdays.  If you only need to get an ID for voting purposes, there is a special line to serve your needs.  And if you are a Veteran who needs ID you can get free government-issued photo IDs at the Veterans Administration.

Grant Announcements
I regularly release a list of grant announcements from federal agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Transportation, and others.  These federal funding opportunities are available to faith-based and neighborhood associations, nonprofits and other community organizations in the 9th district. The announcements are updated regularly on my website.

Wishing you a happy and safe weekend,

As always, I remain,

Most sincerely,

Steve Cohen
Member of Congress