Dart brings structure to web app engineering with a new language, libraries, and tools. Read about our new M2 release!


Dart is a class-based, object-oriented language with lexical scoping, closures, and optional static typing. Dart helps you build structured modern web apps and is easy to learn for a wide range of developers. Learn more

import 'dart:html';

main() {
  var msg = query('#msg');
  var btn = new ButtonElement();
  btn.text = 'Click me!';
  btn.on.click.add((e) => msg.text = 'Dart!');
import 'dart:html';

main() {
  var msg = query('#msg');
  var btn = new ButtonElement();
  btn.text = 'Click me!';
  btn.on.click.add((e) {
    msg.text = 'Dart!';


Dart Editor and the SDK provide an integrated development and debugging experience. The editor supports refactoring, breakpoints, code completion, code navigation, and more. The SDK contains the stand-alone virtual machine, a package manager, and Chromium with an embedded Dart VM. Learn more


Dart can be compiled to JavaScript, so you can use it for web apps in all modern desktop and mobile browsers. Our JavaScript compiler generates minimal code thanks to tree-shaking. Dart apps can also run on the server, in a stand-alone Dart VM.


Dart addresses issues with traditional web development languages while remaining easy to learn. Thanks to optional static types, Dart scales from simple scripts to large apps. Learn more with the language tour, or read the language spec.

import 'dart:math';

class Point {
  final num x, y;

  Point(this.x, this.y);
  Point.zero() : x = 0, y = 0;  // Named constructor
                                // with an initializer list.

  num distanceTo(Point other) {
    var dx = x - other.x;
    var dy = y - other.y;
    return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);


Dart supports classes as a fundamental structural building block for libraries and apps. Classes define the structure of an object, and you can extend them to create more specialized definitions. New features such as implicit interfaces and named constructors make it easier to say more while typing less. Learn more about classes in Dart.

makeAdder(num x) {
  return (num y) => x + y;

main() {
  var add2 = makeAdder(2);
  assert(add2(3) == 5);

Lexical closures

Dart has lexical scoping and a convenient closure mechanism. The makeAdder function returns a new function that closes around x. The => syntax is syntactic sugar for a one-line function with a return value.

// In widget.dart

library widget;

class Widget {
  // ...
// In toolkit.dart

library toolkit;
import 'widget.dart';

class Window extends Widget {
  // ...


Use libraries to create reusable modules of functionality. Libraries can import other libraries, making it easy to publish and share code.

import 'dart:math';

class Point {
  final num x, y;
  Point(this.x, this.y);

  // Use static types for
  // the "surface area" of your code.
  num distanceTo(Point other) {
    // var declares an
    // untyped dynamic variable
    var dx = x - other.x;
    var dy = y - other.y;
    return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

Optional static types

Think of Dart's static types as annotations and documentation that help clearly indicate your intent, without getting in your way. Use types when you want more help from your tools, or if you want to make it easier to understand how to use your code. Omit the type annotations if you're just scripting around or if you're trying to express something that is challenging to express with a single type annotation. Type annotations don't affect the runtime semantics. Learn more about optional types in Dart.

flipFlags({bool on, bool up, bool hidden=false}) {
  // ...

flipFlags(on: true, up: false, hidden: true);

// Named params are also optional params
flipFlags(on: true); // up == null, hidden == false

Named parameters

The meaning of true or false is hard to decipher without context. Using named parameters, you can write code that is easier to understand. As a bonus, named parameters are also optional parameters.

import 'dart:isolate';

echo() {
  port.receive((msg, SendPort replyTo) {
    replyTo.send("Echo: $msg");

main() {
  SendPort echoService = spawnFunction(echo);
  echoService.call("Hello!").then((answer) => print(answer));


Create isolates for concurrent programming and to run third-party code more securely. Communicate between isolates by passing messages that are copied before received to ensure no state is ever shared. Dart uses isolates instead of shared-state threads for safer parallel programming.

The echo() function is run in an isolate, which is created with spawnFunction. A message is sent by call and an answer is printed.

The Dart language contains many more useful and productive features. Check out a sample:

Learn more about the Dart language by taking a Language Tour, or reading the Dart Language Spec.

Gone are the days of building web apps with plain text editors. Dart Editor, its static analysis engine, and direct integration with Chromium+DartVM helps you develop, debug, and maintain your apps.

Dart also ships a stand-alone Dart SDK that contains the dart2js compiler, the Dart VM for running command-line apps, and the pub package manager.

  • Code completion in Dart Editor
    Code completion

    Explore the methods and fields available to the object you're working on.

  • Refactoring in Dart Editor

    Change your code structure without changing the behavior.

  • Code completion in Dart Editor
    Outline view

    List the classes, methods, and functions in a simple tree display.

  • Debugging in Dart Editor

    Set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step over, into, and out of code.

  • Static analysis warnings in Dart Editor
    Static analysis

    See warnings when inconsistencies and potential problems are detected.

  • Find callers for methods in Dart Editor
    Find callers

    Quickly find all callers for a method, and easily jump to those locations.