Tag: Keystone XL

Speaker Boehner released the following statement after the House approved a bipartisan agreement reforming infrastructure spending and stopping student loan rates from doubling.

June 29, 2012

The New York Times published a lengthy reminder today that out-of-work Americans are missing out on thousands of new jobs thanks to President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL energy pipeline.

June 14, 2012

Speaker John Boehner released a new video today marking the House Energy Action Team’s (HEAT) “American Energy and Jobs Tour.”

May 24, 2012

Energy production on federal land has declined by seven percent under the Obama administration and gas prices have doubled. In a recent Weekly Republican Address, Speaker John Boehner challenged President Obama to urge Senate Democrats to act on House-passed energy bills.

May 11, 2012

A new application to construct the Keystone XL pipeline has left President Obama out of excuses for rejecting the project as Republicans prepare to fight for it in key transportation legislation negotiations, which are set to begin tomorrow.  Friday’s filing “gives ammunition to the Republicans,” one energy expert told Bloomberg

May 7, 2012

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after an application to allow the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline was re-submitted to the Obama Administration.

May 4, 2012

The Washington Post editorial board today said “[t]he case for ultimately approving the Keystone XL pipeline — always strong — has grown stronger.” The only thing at which Keystone’s opponents might succeed is “relocating some construction jobs outside the United States,” and “President Obama’s refusal so far to authorize Keystone XL has little rational basis.”

May 2, 2012

“House Republicans are holding strong on their support for the Keystone XL oil pipeline,” reports the Washington Times. Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) says the popular Keystone XL project would create thousands of new American jobs and help address high energy prices.

April 26, 2012

Speaker John Boehner met with the House Republican negotiators today who will work with the Democratic-controlled Senate to move forward on the Keystone XL energy project, as well as key infrastructure reforms designed to ensure taxpayer dollars used on roads and bridges are spent more effectively and efficiently.  Click here for a hi-res version of the photo.

April 25, 2012

President Obama is heading to Ohio this morning for the first time since March 22, the day of his infamous visit to Cushing, Oklahoma, where he tried to take credit for the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline, a project he has lobbied members of Congress to block and is now threatening a veto over.  Later that same day in Columbus

April 18, 2012


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