
House Approves Rep. Mica Amendment to Reallocate Funding for National Guard Facilities

Washington, D.C. – In House action today lawmakers approved a proposal by U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (R-FL) to increase funding for National Guard Military Construction by $25 million.  This spending was offset by a reduction of the same amount for NATO.  With the passage of the Mica Amendment, additional Federal support will help expedite the acquisition process for the much needed new National Guard facilities.
        “While I understand the importance of NATO and the mission it is tasked to handle, I am also aware of the dangerous shortfall of funds for our National Guard facilities,” said Congressman Mica.  “These new facilities will allow the National Guard to maintain their standards in training and readiness; and also help in recruiting and retention.”??Rep. Mica continued, “In my District, for example, we have a National Guard facility that houses three Army National Guard units and a detachment from the U.S. Army Reserve totaling 269 personnel and equipment.  That facility is too old to be renovated and the new replacement facility is on hold.  In South Florida another National Guard Armory project is on hold and the same is true across America.  While NATO may need help in Libya, our National Guard Needs help at home.”
        Recently, NATO has expand its’ costly operations in Libya, with the United States footing the vast majority of the costs.  In an AP article dated June 10, 2011, The Secretary of Defense, Bill Gates was quoted as saying “While every member of NATO voted for the Libya mission, less than half have participated, and fewer than a third have been willing to participate in the strike mission.”
        Congressman Mica concluded, ”Before we send more of the American taxpayer’s hard earned dollars to NATO during this time of economic distress, we should make sure our own forces here in the U.S. have the adequate equipment and facilities needed to accomplish their mission of protecting the American people and their interests.”