
Rehberg Warns That Fresh Coat of Paint Won't Sell Health Care Lemon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement following the President’s unveiling of a proposal to bridge the gap between the current House and Senate health care bills.  The introduction of the bill comes just three days before he is scheduled to meet with Republican Leaders to hear their ideas, ostensibly to incorporate them into his proposal.

“Montanans aren’t fooled by the fresh coat of paint.  This bill is still the same lemon that was soundly rejected by the vast majority of Montanans I heard from last year at 36 public listening sessions across the state.  The American people want real health care reform and they deserve an open, bipartisan process that’s done in the light of day.  Today’s theatrics are more of the same; a bill crafted in secret behind closed doors and without public input or scrutiny.

“There are better alternatives to lower the cost of health care and increase access, and the President will hear many of those ideas at a bipartisan summit this Thursday.  Instead of introducing his proposals three days early, I encourage the President to come to the table with an open mind to find a workable solution that prioritizes the American people.”