
Rehberg Votes to Repeal Obama Health Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement after the U.S. House voted again to repeal President Obama’s health care law along with its 20 tax increases and 13,000 pages of harmful regulations.

“This law will actually do more harm to our health care system than good, and on top of that it’s also holding back our economy by saddling job-creators with 20 new taxes and 13,000 pages of burdensome regulations.  While the President’s allies spin their political wheels trying to explain why economic recovery is taking so long, small businesses across Montana are begging us to get the federal government off their backs and back on their side.  I hope every Senator who has steadfastly defended President Obama’s health care law will go home and talk to their constituents before continuing to protect this destructive law.”