
Rehberg Statement on Democrat's Failure to Audit the Fed

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement following the Congresssional vote not to add a requirement to the Wall Street Reform Bill to audit the Federal Reserve (consistent with H.R. 1207, Dr. Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 which has more than enough cosponsors to pass in stand-alone vote).

“The hypocrisy of condemning Wall Street for a financial shell game while engaging in an even larger shell game within the Fed is beyond the pale.  While Speaker Pelosi is more than willing to stretch the Constitution to give the federal government the authority to control, bailout or even seize private companies, she won’t allow a clean up-or-down vote to push back the curtains at the Federal Reserve.  The consequences of not shining the light on the Fed is too great to ignore.”

The Federal Reserve Transparency Act has 320 cosponsors, including Rehberg.  The idea to submit this legislation as a Motion to Recommit was originally posted on the America Speaking Out website where Americans can submit their own ideas, and vote on the ideas submitted by others.  The website is located at