
Rehberg Releases Excerpts from Address to Montana Legislature

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following excerpts from his address to a Joint Session of the Montana State Legislature.  Rehberg, a member of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee, served in the Montana Legislature for three terms beginning in 1984.

Excerpt 1 on the stimulus (audio attached):

I know there are some differences of opinion in Montana over how quickly the legislature should consider its bill regarding the stimulus and how much oversight the legislature should exercise as the money is spent.  With the lack of transparency on this issue at the federal level, and the questionable estimates of the stimulus benefits we’ve seen, I would encourage you to provide as much public exposure, participation and comment as possible during the legislative process.  And I encourage you to do this by creating a broad-based stimulus oversight committee that includes policy-makers and members of the public.  As a former Lt. Governor, I know that the executive branch has an inherently different perspective from that of the legislature, regardless of political party.  Both perspectives should be involved throughout.

And that brings us to today, in this chamber, where all of us together are charged with plotting a path forward.  No one is suggesting that we do nothing, but it’s time to rethink the policies of panic.  Now, more than ever, we need bipartisan restraint.

Excerpt 2 on bipartisan restraint:

I know we have some differences of opinion in this room.  Reasonable people can disagree.  In fact, it’s that disagreement that gives us strength.  It’s our ability to keep each other honest that gives democracy its edge.

Our economic situation is not hopeless.  We need to rise above Party, but not Principle, in dealing with these issues.  We need bipartisan action and we need bipartisan restraint.

Excerpt 3:

Available exclusively on his Facebook Profile Page at  Rehberg regularly updates his profile page with news releases and status updates about what he is doing throughout the day.