
Rehberg Measure Mandates TSA Screening for Montana's Rural Airports

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, this week successfully included language in the Homeland Security Appropriations bill directing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to quickly implement screening at Montana’s seven Essential Air Service (EAS) airports.  Rehberg is the only member of the Montana delegation on the Appropriations Committee.

“Over the past several months, I’ve received repeated assurances from TSA that, as soon as Montana’s EAS is up and running, federal screening will be in place,” said Rehberg.  “However, it’s essential we take every step to ensure they will live up to this commitment.  This language reiterates that message.”

Rehberg’s language states that  “the Committee is aware of seven airports in Montana that were federalized in early 2008, after the 2009 budget was submitted, which currently have no screeners in place but have submitted applications to participate in the Screening Partnership Program. The Committee directs TSA to accept and approve those applications and quickly implement screening at these airports.”

In an April meeting with Mo McGowan, TSA Assistant Administrator at the Office of Security Operations, Rehberg requested and received assurances that, if provided a 30-day notice of the resumption of service, TSA would have security screening capabilities in place on time.

“TSA screening will be a huge step in improving the safety of the passengers and the airport employees,” said Rehberg.  “And as I continue to work with the Department of Transportation to get Montana’s EAS flights off the ground again, I’m going to make TSA hold up its end of the bargain.”

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