
Rehberg Favors All-Of-The Above Energy Plan, Opposes National Energy Tax

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement urging the House of Representatives to abandon the so-called Cap and Trade National Energy Tax in favor of an all-of-the-above energy plan that will utilize all forms of domestic energy.  The House Energy and Commerce Committee today took steps toward passing a $645 billion tax on energy as a part of its climate change legislation.

“Montanans sit on a huge stockpile of energy, and we are ready and willing to meet a growing national demand.  Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats moved forward on plans to punish us for producing that same energy.  Cap and Trade is nothing more than a national energy tax that will cost the average household $3,100 a year, and unfairly target states like Montana where more than 60 percent of our energy comes from coal.  During these uncertain economic times, America does not need a massive new tax on energy.  What we want is an all-of-the-above energy plan that increases all kinds of domestic energy production, drives prices down and reduces reliance on foreign energy.”