
Rehberg Explores Greater Woods Bay Sewer Project Funding

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg met with Paul Rana, Vice Chairman of the Greater Woods Bay Sewer Committee (GWBSC), in Washington D.C.  Rehberg and Rana discussed funding for the Greater Woods Bay Sewer Project.

            “As a member of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee and the only member of the Montana delegation on the Appropriations Committee, I will continue to fight for Montana priorities like the Greater Woods Bay Sewer Project,” said Rehberg.  “This is an important project both for the health of local residents and the preservation of the water ecosystems of Flathead Lake.”

            The Greater Woods Bay Planning Area (GWBPA) consists of Woods Bay, Sheaver’s Creek, Ridgewood, Yenne Point, Orchard Land, and other nearby neighborhoods in northern Lake County.  The multi-phase $22 million wastewater infrastructure and improvement plan will address the growing problem of aging, failing, and non-compliant residential septic and drain field treatment systems which could threaten municipal and Flathead Lake water quality.  Congress approved $260,000 for preliminary engineering work in fiscal year 2008.

            “I just wanted to personally thank Congressman Rehberg for his support of this important project,” said Rana of his meeting with Rehberg. “We are trying to install sewers in a 3.5 mile stretch of lakefront at Flathead Lake in order to keep the lake clean, provide healthy drinking water and maintain the ecosystem by replacing an antiquated septic system.”

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