
Rehberg Critical of Back-to-Back Anti-Energy Policies from Obama

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement criticizing the Obama Administration for flip-flopping on domestic energy production in the Gulf of Mexico on the same day that U.S. negotiators promised the United National Global Warming Summit that cap-and-tax would become law.  Today, the Administration announced that it will be placing the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast off-limits to new energy exploration and development for at least the next five years.

“Instead of heeding the will of the American people, the White House today doubled down on the job-killing, anti-energy agenda that will raise prices for energy consumers, make us more reliant on foreign energy from places like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela and destroy jobs.  I’ll keep fighting for a comprehensive energy solution that creates jobs in Montana, lowers costs for consumers and gets us off our addiction to foreign energy.”