
Rehberg Calls President's Keystone XL Decision "Shameful"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement after President Obama formally rejected the federal permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.  After more than three years of review, this jobs project would have created 1,200 jobs in Montana alone.  On December 1, 2011, Rehberg introduced legislation requiring a decision within 60 days.  That language was added to the House Payroll Tax Extenders package on December 9, and passed with strong bipartisan support in both the Hose and the Senate.

“Today’s shameful decision by President Obama to put his re-election ahead of thousands of jobs for American families shows just how much this Administration and its allies have bought into the radical anti-job agenda of environmental extremists like the League of Conservation Voters.  President Obama had an opportunity to put politics aside, and embrace bipartisanship to create jobs.  He could have allowed the private sector to create thousands of jobs, funded by private investment.  Instead, President Obama found an excuse to erect yet another government road block to economic recovery.  But this fight isn’t close to being finished.  I'm going to keep pushing this project until the Obama Administration gets out of the way and Montanans are working these jobs.”