
Rehberg Bill All-Aboard for Gun Rights on Amtrak

WASHINGTON, D.C. Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, has introduced legislation with colleagues to allow the transportation of legal firearms on Amtrak trains. The Amtrak Secure Transportation of Firearms Act of 2009 is the companion measure to legislation introduced in the Senate by Senator Wicker.

"Amtrak is a great way for Montanans to get around the country, but folks shouldn’t have to forfeit their Second Amendment rights when they climb aboard," said Rehberg, a member of the House Appropriations Committee and a recipient of the Golden Spike Award. "Current restrictions prevent Montanans who wish to legally transport firearms from enjoying the convenience of Amtrak travel. It’s time to protect gun rights, whether you travel by plane, train or automobile."

The Amtrak Secure Transportation of Firearms Act permits travelers to transport firearms from Amtrak stations that accept checked baggage as long as the firearm is declared and carried in a hard-sided, locked container. Current Amtrak policy prohibits weapons, including firearms, from being carried on its trains. This legislation would extend the same benefits currently afforded to airline passengers.

Rehberg recently joined the Second Amendment Task Force which works with gun rights’ groups such as the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America to defend the Constitutional right of Americans to bear arms.

"I appreciate Denny's continued work in the House to protect Montanan's Second Amendment rights," said Gary Marbut, President of Montana Shooting Sports Association. "The federal and state prohibition of self defense or transporting firearms on trains is long overdue for correction. Such laws only inconvenience law abiding people but have little effect on criminals."