Rep. Joe Walsh

Rep. Joe Walsh


Proudly representing Illinois' 8th congressional district! Find me on Facebook:

432 Cannon ·

On Veterans Day, we honor those who have served our country both past and present. Thank you for defending our freedoms!

That is why I have worked with both Democrats & Republicans on . Caucus to implement legislation like Act.

National debt continues to climb above $16 trillion dollars & your share as a taxpayer is more than $141,000.

Have a question or need assistance with a federal agency? My staff will be holding mobile office hours tomorrow!

Happy Halloween! Please be safe while spending time with your family. Official trick-or-treat hours: via .

My heart goes out to all those affected by Sandy. While the worst may be over, please remain vigilant and be careful!

I have voted to repeal and its massive tax on middle class and instead implement patient-centered reforms.

"Depending on family size, the tax penalty [for not having health insurance] will range from $695 to $2,085"

Was invited to site tour of Chicago White Metal! Discussed how excessive government regulations are hindering biz

Government must stop intervening in the private market in order to allow the private sector to thrive and create .

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitter gainezka egotea edo momentuko arazotxo bat izatea. Saiatu berriro edo bisitatu Twitterren egoera informazio gehiagorako.