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Ticker Volume Price Price Delta
DJIA 12,932.70 -312.95 -2.36%
S&P 500 1,394.53 -33.86 -2.37%
Nasdaq 2,937.29 -74.64 -2.48%
Ticker Volume Price Price Delta
STOXX 50 2,479.10 -56.84 -2.24%
FTSE 100 5,791.63 -93.27 -1.58%
DAX 7,232.83 -144.93 -1.96%
Ticker Volume Price Price Delta
Nikkei 8,972.89 -2.26 -0.03%
Hang Seng 22,099.80 +155.42 0.71%
S&P/ASX 200 4,472.30 -44.16 -0.98%
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  1. The Top Ten Stocks for Wednesday, November 7


DJIA 12,932.73 -312.95 2.36%
S&P 500 1,394.53 -33.86 2.37%
NASDAQ 2,937.29 -74.65 2.48%
EuroStoxx 50 2,479.10 -56.84 2.24%
FTSE 100 5,791.63 -93.27 1.58%
Hang Seng 22,099.85 +155.42 0.71%
U.S. 10-Year 1.64660 -0.10410 5.95%